Thanks, I noticed a couple of the strings at the top of your PO file are not translated, “Seperate Ios Cache” and the one that starts “You do not need to exclude %s cart”, did you need any information regarding the context of these?
Also it looks like I misspelled “Seperate” throughout the translation files. But when I make the correction, I’ll update your po and generate a new mo. Thanks again for taking the time to translate.
Actually, if you can go ahead and import your pot file here: for the German translations that would be great. I just updated the gator-cache.pot file with a handful of spelling corrections and pushed to the trunk and latest version.
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Hi GatorDog,
I have your plugin completely translated into German (default & formal) and uploaded to wordpress.
Thank you!! Do you mind translating the readme? I think you just export it from the bottom of this page: Then import it back once it translated.
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Hi GatorDog,
that is a lot of work and currently I have not enough time. Maybe later.
Ok, no worries, thanks for taking the time to translate the plugin!