• Resolved AlisonMooreSmith


    When I create a new gallery, I have the choices of Standard, Vertical, Rounded, or Horizontal.

    Once I choose a style (?) can I change this after I create the gallery?

    When I look at an existing gallery and choose the Settings>Main I can select a Gallery Type. Here the choices are: Fixed, Vertical Horizontal, and Fixed Columns.

    Apparently these are different settings, but I can’t quite figure out what they mean. (I did look at the tooltip image, but it doesn’t help.)


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  • Plugin Author supsystic


    When you create gallery you are able to choose different gallery templates. Every of templates includes different settings, which you are able to change later. So gallery templates and gallery types are not the same things.

    Please tell me what gallery template you have used for creation of gallery and what settings you want to change – I will help you to customize gallery.

    Thread Starter AlisonMooreSmith


    Thanks for the response. It seems fundamental to me that users might, for example, create a standard gallery and then, after adding and organizing all the photos, realize they want a rounded one instead.

    If I understand your response, this cannot be changed without starting from scratch. Is that correct?

    Plugin Author supsystic


    No, you will be able to make rounded gallery even if you have used standard template for creation. Simply go to the Main settings of gallery and set 100% for “Image radius” option.

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