• Dear Forum!

    Please, is it possible that someone viewing a blog could register and write/publish posts?

    I wish not everyone could post – only those registered (users with an account).
    But I would like they could register themselves – (I can add the users in Admin > Users > Authors & Users > Add User From Community – but this is not what I mean. I do not want to approve every single user.) – In another words, “free registration”.
    And finally, I would like those users will be of Role of an Author.

    Is this doable?

    I am running WordPress 2.0 and a search returned that previous WP had something like “Anyone can register” but I can not find it in here. Also, wp_register() but I am not sure about this one (I am very new to WP, how to set up the Role, …for instance).

    Thank you for reading till now and thanks for any help in advance!

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  • First you need to provide a link on your blog to the registration page. Using wp_register() in your theme’s templates will do that.

    Then in Options > General make sure “Anyone can register” is checked under Membership, and New User Default Role is set to Contributor or Author. The main difference between these two is, Contributors are unable to publish their posts.

    [said the same thing]

    Moderator James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator

    ::oops, too slow::

    In Options/General select “Anyone can register”, and under the “New User Default Role” pull-down menu, select “Author”.

    Thread Starter ecirhana


    It worked! Thank you very very much!

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