• The form is in a widget on the “contact-us” page. When I fill out the form, instead of being returned to the “contact-us” page, with a “success” or “error” message, I am redirected to
    domain.com/contact-us/#wpcf7-f72-p30-o1 and get a “page not found” error. What did I do wrong?

    I have a very simple form as follows:
    <label>Name (required)
    [text* name] </label>

    <label> Email (required)
    [email* email] </label>
    <label>Phone (required)
    [tel* tel-472] </label>

    <label> Subject
    [text subject] </label>

    <label> Message
    [textarea message] </label>

    [submit “Send”]
    with email instructions as follows:
    from: <info@domain.com>
    subject: Company Name
    message body:[messge]
    subject: [subject]
    tel: [tel-472]

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