• Resolved msbt


    If I chose “Text Left, Nav Right” in Customize / Footer Settings / Footer Content, the menu item won’t show in the same line as the text. In “Text Right, Nav Left” it works as intended. I compared the two parts in the content-footer.php and couldn’t find any differences other than left/right. Any ideas what might cause this issue?

    Best regards,

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  • Theme Author ThemeAWESOME


    Hi there,

    Sorry for the delay. Yes I see what you mean. Let me take a look and see about correcting that issue for you.

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention, it’s greatly appreciated.

    I’ll get back with what I find.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter msbt


    Hey Thomas,
    thanks for getting back to be, always happy to help! Is there anything new regarding this issue?

    Cheers, M

    Theme Author ThemeAWESOME


    Hi there,

    Yes I have figured out what happened. Seems I forgot to wrap a div around that particular area.

    Here is the fix:

    open up footer.php and find the following (lines 10 and 11):

    <?php get_template_part( 'content', 'footer' ); ?>
    <?php get_template_part( 'content', 'social_menu' ); ?>

    and change it to this:

    <div class="grid-x grid-padding-x">
        <?php get_template_part( 'content', 'footer' ); ?>
        <?php get_template_part( 'content', 'social_menu' ); ?>
     </div><!-- grid-x grid-padding-x -->

    This should correct the issue. I will be pushing out an update to correct this but I do have a few things I am tweaking as well.

    So in the meantime this should work.

    Please let me know how it goes for you. Thanks again for bringing this to my attention.

    Thread Starter msbt


    Thanks again for that! I just added it and it doesn’t seem to fix it, but that could be very well a problem on my side since I was poking around before. I’ll reset the templates tomorrow and see what’s what 😀


    Theme Author ThemeAWESOME


    Hi there,

    Ah yes I made some other changes to content-footer.php – sorry about that.

    I am just going to push out a quick update so you and everyone else can get the changes that I made and also to ensure that the necessary changes are in place.

    Gimme a few minutes and you should see an update.

    Theme Author ThemeAWESOME


    Just uploaded the update. You should see it available here shortly.

    Please let me know how it goes. Thanks again.

    Thread Starter msbt


    Perfect, thanks!

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