• The plugin assumes it is running in the root of your domain, so if you install WordPress into something like /blogs/ parts of it wont work.

    One part is sub-category pages like category.example.com/blogs/category/sub-category

    The plugin is hard-coded to check for this being a sub-category page based on the category base (default is “category/”) starting at the beginning of the request URI.

    To fix, you need to open up plugin/rewrite.php and look for the following around line 8.

    if ( strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $wps_category_base ) == 1 ) {

    Change it to:

    if ( strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "/$wps_category_base" ) !== false ) {

    Disclaimer: this solution is not bullet-proof. It assumes you have a sane category base set and that you dont have any other slugs that match the category base.


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