• Resolved schmago



    I am using in my export the “date of first refund” (first_refund_date).
    I want also to use this field as a filter.
    But I can’t see it in the “Filter by order > Custom fields” list.
    Am I missing something?

    Thank you.

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  • Plugin Author algol.plus



    it’s not custom field 🙁
    as WooCommerce adds refunds as suborders.

    If you use free version – you should program it.

    If you use pro version – visit tab Profiles, select “Order Refund”, press “Add Profile” and use Date Range filter.

    thanks, Alex

    Plugin Author algol.plus


    About free version.

    I think you use Date Filter , so add this code to “Misc Settings” .
    It should add partial refunds to list of fully refunded orders.

    You can modify SQL to export only main orders which have refunds in selected date range.

    thanks, Alex

    add_filter( "woe_get_order_ids", function($ids) {
    global $wpdb;
    $from_date = WC_Order_Export_Engine::$current_job_settings["from_date"];
    $to_date = WC_Order_Export_Engine::$current_job_settings["to_date"];
    $refunds = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT ID AS order_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS orders WHERE orders.post_type in ( 'shop_order_refund') AND orders.post_date>='{$from_date} 00:00:00' AND orders.post_date<='{$to_date} 23:59:59'");
    return array_merge($ids,$refunds);
    Thread Starter schmago



    I am using pro version, and used “order refund” with data range filter. And yes it returns me the order ID corresponding to the date of first refund date range that I am looking for.
    But it doesn’t export all other fields that I need, which are attached to the main order (like the shipping country).

    Also I tried to add the function you suggested, but doesn’t to work (or I miss something).
    When I use the debug mode, I don’t see your SQL request being executed.

    SELECT ID AS order_id 
      FROM wp_posts AS orders 
      WHERE orders.post_type in ( 'shop_order') 
      AND 1 AND orders.post_date>='2021-10-01 00:00:00' 
      AND orders.post_date<='2021-10-31 23:59:59' 
      AND orders.post_status in ('wc-refunded') 
      AND orders.post_status NOT in ('auto-draft','trash') 
      AND orders.ID IN 
        (SELECT DISTINCT order_items.order_id 
        FROM wp_woocommerce_order_items as order_items 
        LEFT JOIN wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta AS orderitemmeta_product 
          ON orderitemmeta_product.order_item_id = order_items.order_item_id 
        WHERE order_item_type='line_item' 
        AND (orderitemmeta_product.meta_key IN ('_variation_id', '_product_id') 
        AND orderitemmeta_product.meta_value<>'0' 
        AND (orderitemmeta_product.meta_key = '_product_id')) )


    Plugin Author algol.plus



    But it doesn’t export all other fields that I need, which are attached to the main order (like the shipping country).

    please, upload your settings as new ticket to https://algolplus.freshdesk.com/
    use tab Tools to get them.

    This code runs after SQL queries, so you won’t see it in the debug.

    thanks, Alex

    Thread Starter schmago


    Thank you Alex

    Plugin Author algol.plus


    This code correctly exports orders which were fully/partially refunded in selected date range. Date range filter shouldn’t be empty!

    add_filter( "woe_sql_get_order_ids_where", function($where,$settings) {
    $from_date = WC_Order_Export_Engine::$current_job_settings["from_date"];
    $to_date = WC_Order_Export_Engine::$current_job_settings["to_date"];
    global $wpdb;
    $where[] = "orders.ID IN (SELECT DISTINCT post_parent FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts WHERE post_type in ( 'shop_order_refund') AND post_date>='{$from_date} 00:00:00' AND post_date<='{$to_date} 23:59:59')";
    return $where;
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