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  • Plugin Support qtwrk


    does it work if you disable the cache plugin ?

    Thread Starter Bertrand66


    Hello, no it doesn’t, I have tried to deactivate Lite Speed, but it doesn’t solve the problem, the featured video thumbnail still dont show up.

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    if it does not show up even with LiteSpeed Cache plugin disabled, then I believe it might be something else went wrong

    you can further verify by checking HTML source code , at bottom of it , make sure you don’t see something like this

    <!-- Page optimized by LiteSpeed Cache @2023-05-31 01:48:44 -->
    <!-- Page generated by LiteSpeed Cache 5.4 on 2023-05-31 01:48:44 -->

    that will confirm the plugin is not touching your page anymore

    Thread Starter Bertrand66


    Thanks for your help, I don’t see anything in the console after I deactivate Lite Speed :

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    no , not by console , but “view source code”

    Thread Starter Bertrand66


    I just checked, nothing in the source code either :

    Do you think that the problem doesn’t come from LiteSpeed ?

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    based on current evidence , yes , it does not look like issue is created by LSCWP

    Thread Starter Bertrand66


    Okay, thank you for your help, great plugin by the way :).

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    thanks , I hope you find and solve your issue soon : )

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