• Resolved orvokki


    I’ve noticed that the Recent posts slider on the homepage displays not only featured posts but also “normal” posts.
    I’ve set maximum number of posts do display to 5 and I’ve got only 2 featured posts on the blog. I want only those 2 posts to be displayed. The slider, however, shows my 2 featured posts plus 3 recent posts.

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  • Theme Author presscustomizr


    The featured posts slider doesn’t display the WordPress “featured posts” but the posts from a choosen category. But your feedback makes me realize that this is really misleading.

    Thread Starter orvokki


    Hello Nicolas,
    thank you for the reply. And of course I’ve named it wrong – I meant ‘featured posts slider’ not ‘recent posts slider’.
    Well, it’s a pity then, I think showing here featured posts would make more sense 🙁

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    @orvokki this slider was historically designed to display category based posts. But yes I agree, a featured posts based slider is totally missing. This clearly needs to be improved.

    Thread Starter orvokki


    Thank you then, I hope you’ll think of that for the next update 🙂 Still, I like the theme, it’s easy to set up 🙂

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