Featured image size?
Which dimensions should featured images have to display correctly ?
For now, whichever dimension ive tried looks bad because the Featured section uses 3 different dimensions & stretches the featured image to fit. How can it be solved?
which of the featured image sections?
which blog layout are you using?
which screen layout are you using?Axis Magazine has been tested on different device layouts and works well on all of them.
update to the new version 0.0.16.
Just tried installing the latest version of Axis on a fresh/empty blog.
The issue still remains there
Featured section:
Left/big image: if i set this one about 300×250 in dimension it will look fine.However, if I do so, once it goes to the top right image position in featured it will be stretched horizontally (because that spot would fit more like a 800×250)
Of course if I then try a 800×250 to make the “banner” spot look ok, it will squash it to 300×250 dimensions when it goes to the 2 smaller pic slots in featured
So the questions is, can it be made to automatically crop to the size it needs? And/or is there an ideal dimension that will work in all featured slots + as featured image for the posts without stretching/squashing ?
That one is trying:
List layout – content with Featured enabledIf I swap to
Gride layout – content with Featured enabled the problem gets worse as the featured images that fits the 3 300×250 slot in featured gets stretched vertically to around 300×400 in the grid below Featured.show your website link.
Are you changing the styles.css file?
I literally just installed Axis & imported 3 posts to test, no css editingI can’t see any image issues.
you need at least 8 posts to see the full design you see on the screenshot.
Now theres 8 – but it doesnt help.
The top left photo stretches horizontally
The grid pictures stretches verticallyIt is simply that the space allotted for featured pics are in 3 different dimensions & it stretches the featured image to fit. So the wide banner stretches wide, the narrow ones squeezes them etc.
I think I understand your issue.
You are asking for the featured images to have the original image dimensions which is not possible.
the featured image section has specific height and width so that it maintains theme design. You can switch the display of the featured image section off in the WordPress customizer.
Hope this helps.
No thats not what I am asking, featured images are obviously needed to make it look good.
I am asking which dimensions on the featured image will look good – should it be 16:9, 4:3, 6:1 or whatever: Ie, which dimension will not be stretched or squeezed in any of the Featured slots or in the grid
Right now: a featured image with dimensions that looks good in the 1st Featured slot will look terrible in the 2nd featured slot (and given it will rotate there as soon as a new post is made, that makes it unusable)
Images will always be stretched or squeezed because the image takes full height and full width of the featured slot or grid it occupies.
And this is why I ask – when you have 3 very different dimensions for your image slots, is there a dimension that will actually look good in all 3 (otherwise the theme can generally only be used with featured turned off or as a static page)
You’re right.
there is no dimension that will look good in all 3 in the free version of axis magazine.
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
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