The image in problem site is
Skanska-spelkvinnor_omslag-1000×288.jpg with style=”width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:contain;”.
In correct testing site:
Skanska-spelkvinnor_omslag.jpg with style=”object-fit:cover;”
Hi @joppedi,
If you temporarily switch the theme to a default WordPress theme, are you still facing the same thing?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Herman 😊
Thanks for respons!
I have now tested with ordinary theme Twent-twentytwo but the same problem occurred.
I have to admit that there are some other dubious problems with the site (occationally error saving a post with notice that database cannot be updated because of coblocks + disappearing config for a hero-block from Coblocks).
I suspect the problem could be something to do that I have imported the testsite to the old site´s installation (theme twenty-eleven!). Prehaps some conflict in database, corrupted files?
For now, I had to fix the design problem (using image block instead of featured image) to get site up and running.
The problem is still viewable on test page
Hi @joppedi,
To be honest, I am not sure what causes this. However, if the same issue is happening also on the default WordPress theme, then I can say that this is not theme related.
Please let me know if I can be of any help.
Kind regards,
Herman 😊
Yes, you are right, it is not the theme.
But it is the block “Featured Image”. Is that block a part of Spectra or Astra?
See the result in a testing page
Hi @joppedi,
Astra doesn’t have any Blocks. Also, I believe it’s not coming from Spectra either. It must be the Post Featured Image block that is coming from WordPress core.
Kind regards,
Herman 😊
You are right again.
In the editor the block is in the section of “Theme”, so I thought it was Astra-block.
But indeed the generated code is <figure class=”wp-block-post-featured-image“>. It is WP core.
First glance at forum about this WP block didn´t solve my problem.
I will continue searching in other threads.
Thanks anyway!
Happy can be a help, @joppedi. Good luck with it and feel free to start a new thread if you there’s anything else related to Astra, we can help you with.
Kind regards,
Herman 😊