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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Interesting, and understandable as well. Guess I hadn’t thought much about the “high” end where people use it for a huge amount of types/taxes.

    I’d like the ability to add a sorting dropdown with the CPTUI Extended plugin, so not only can I choose how the posts are sorted originally, but site viewers can change to sort by date, author, etc.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Added to our notes Friday Next.

    One more, if i create custom post for slider by default it should be a sliding if am adding images. i know there is plugin, but for custom post sometime we no need to use another plugin for slider.

    add some custom field option for category and taxonomy.tell how to retrieve that field

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    gobi004, please correct me where I’m wrong, but you’re wanting us to package in code that could be utilized for functioning sliders?

    Regarding custom fields, it’s going to be all the standard WordPress ways. We don’t do anything specific/unique regarding that.

    I would like to see a capability to list and administer pre-existing CPT’s. At the time of installation of CPT UI, I had a couple of plugins which had created their own Custom post Types (like MyBookTable, which had created a CPT called “mbtbook” . I have another plugin called CPT-onomies that enables use of CPT’s as taxonomies, which sees this mbtbook type. So why doesn’t CPT UI also see the types that have been created by other plugins? Is there a way to make it look to the actual registered plugins across the site?

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Pre version 1.0.0 it did *list* external post types and their settings, but you weren’t able to edit them. I felt it wasn’t really that needed of functionality, but I wouldn’t be against re-adding the listing of them somewhere. However, I would also be standing with the idea of them being “read only”, and not allowing editing them.

    We’ll consider it, but once we get to the point of editing, it turns into a potentially slippery slope that would be better left alone. Listing in read-only mode is more likely to be considered and re-added though, that part I’m fine with.

    Thanks for the quick reply, Michael. I understand that certain post types are registered within the functions of that plugin, and when that plugin is disabled, so is the registration of its CPT’s. But isn’t there a conditional logic that could handle this, so that any settings that might be applied to such a CPT (assigned a CPT status something like “outside”) could be disabled along with the plugin’s deactivation?) (or any other issue like that) Just wondering.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Not quite following the logic there, to be honest. Perhaps a more detailed example would help me understand the use-case. After discussion with team members earlier, it’d take a pretty convincing argument for need for us to consider it.

    it would be nice to be able to add icons to the taxonomy.
    eg taxonomy : accepted payment , content icon cb, icone american express….

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    @feph Add icons where? Admin menu? next to each term on the taxonomy term screen? Somewhere else?

    Not sure about this one since it’s getting into the area of dealing with term meta, which may be better handled elsewhere.

    Regardless, I do appreciate the suggestion and feedback.

    Hy, I’m looking for a solution to store the current configuration of CPT UI as a File (JSON, PHP, etc.) to be able to version control the settings and also deploy them to other environments. Currently we have to make Changes on all environments and this is kind a risky and leads to errors.

    ACF has something which is quite nice, maybe something like this would work?

    Or a WP-CLI Extension to im- and export CPT UI Settings?

    What do you think, would something like this be possible and how could this work? Generate PHP files which mimic the current CPT UI Settings?

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    hey @spinndevs, this article looks like it’d be right up what you need:

    Will update itself any time you save the settings for either a post type or a taxonomy, and would include all of the data. Feel free to modify as you see fit for your setup, but it should give you a good overall idea.

    Edit: It wouldn’t handle deployment at all, but it would give something that’s version control ready.

    I also have this issue open that is a gathering point for ideas, but nothing has been implemented yet:

    great thank you, I’ll have a look

    that worked great, is there also a way to automatically import this exported settings? say in a production environment?

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