I should say it is working OK on two other sites I have. The only difference is the PHP version. The one that has this error is a GoDaddy server and it might be PHP5.3, whereas the others are on Digital Ocean and PHP5.6
Thanks for sharing the error and sorry that you are experiencing this. I’m going to look into this right now and get back to you with a solution.
Could you confirm that your GoDaddy server, the one experiencing this error, is running PHP 5.3? Here’s a guide to confirm that on your end:
I got the site up and running (it belongs to a client, so I had to get ftp details from them). Weirdly, the non www address is still with the fatal error, but the www version is now running again. When I tried to activate disable blogging, the message says Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
The same error as I posted. I don’t have access to their customer control panel, but the theme has a system report panel, and tells me that it is PHP5.4.45
As you may know, GoDaddy do some weird stuff to their WordPress Hosting, and I had pleaded with the client not to use them, to no avail.
Anyway, looking at the code, as you do, the function in question is admin_greeting and it has no return string. So, between lines 76 and 77 I inserted an extra line, so there are now three lines:
return $wp_admin_bar;
It now works fine, although this may not be what you had intended that function to do (which I suspect was to remove the Howdy …. maybe?)
That’s right Trevor. This function removed the “Howdy” greeting in English as well as any other language.
I added the return
and the code still works as expected. This is now implemented in the new update version 2.0.3 with credits to you, thank you!