That’s right we’ve had an issue in our latest release and we feel really sorry about this. I can understand how frustrating it is but please don’t say such things. Error can happen, even if we do our best, even if we do tons of tests, sometimes ***** happens. That’s the first time it happens since we started on WordPress.
We’re working on solving the issue really quickly. Once again, sorry and be sure that we’re doing our best to fix it really quickly.
FYI I checked with the team yesterday and in fact the issue has been present for 2h “only”. I know it shouldn’t have been an issue but we fixed it as soon as we’ve been aware of it.
I know you can be frustrated but a 1⭐️</img> has a huge impact on our product that’s why I’m replying to this thread. Maybe you could reconsider it.
Have a good day.
Hi Alexandre
All our business is in our Website. If our Website is OFF, our company stops and the IT department goes crazy. If the reason is a bad plugin release…
I appreciate your quick reply solving the problem.
I’ve update my review.
Best regards