• Hello

    I love the add on and makes the responsive bootstrap menu easy to add to my theme. However how do I edit the CSS of the menu once it has been created.

    I would like to edit the colour, format etc of the sub menu, and also remove the div that appears at the top of the navigation a div roughly sized 25px.

    It would be great to be able to do this and also change the width of the drop downs that I can create as wordy nav items overflow out of their box

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  • Plugin Author codetoolbox


    Hi Jon,

    Thanks for the feedback!

    To edit the formatting of your menu you will need to create/edit a CSS file with navbar specific formats.

    .navbar-default {
      background-color: #e74c3c;
      border-color: #c0392b;

    Here are some links to guide on the process:
    How to navbar – stack overflow

    A simple tool for generating CSS for your formats:
    Generate your own Bootstrap navbar

    Thread Starter jonfuller1004


    Fantastic, thanks for the quick response, the only one that I could not figure was to remove the div at the top of the nav bar that it adds as a :before, guessing this might be in the settings?

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