• Hello,

    I have seen a lot of similar posts for the expound theme, but I have a very specific problem. I would like a current menu and small arrow change to #F57C6F, while keeping non current menus and hovers the same. When selecting my “about” parent menu, all ancestors show the “selected” color and I want them to remain grey. If I select one or the other sub menus, the scheme behaves and one is the selected color, the other stays grey. How can I keep the sub menus grey when the parent is selected?


    .navigation-main li.current_page_item a, .navigation-main li.current-menu-item a {
    	background-color: #F57C6F;
    .navigation-main ul > .current_page_item:hover, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-item:hover, .navigation-main ul .current-post-ancestor:hover, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-ancestor:hover, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-parent:hover, .navigation-main ul > .current-post-parent:hover {
    	background-color: #F57C6F;
    .navigation-main ul > .current_page_item:hover a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-item:hover a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-post-ancestor:hover a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-ancestor:hover a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-parent:hover a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-post-parent:hover a:after {
    	border-top-color: #F57C6F;
    .navigation-main ul > .current_page_item a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-item a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-post-ancestor a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-parent a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-post-parent a:after {
    	border-top-color: #F57C6F;
    .entry-thumbnail-category, .entry-thumbnail-category:hover {
    	background-color: #F57C6F;
    .entry-thumbnail-category:before, .entry-thumbnail-category:hover:before {
    	border-top-color: #F57C6F;
    .navigation-main ul > .current_page_item, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-item, .navigation-main ul > .current-post-ancestor, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-ancestor, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-parent, .navigation-main ul > .current-post-parent, button, input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"], .button-primary, a.button-primary, a.button-primary:visited, .wpm-button-primary, a.wpm-button-primary {
    	background-color: #F57C6F;
    button:hover, input[type="button"]:hover, input[type="reset"]:hover, input[type="submit"]:hover, .button-primary:hover, a.button-primary:hover, .wpm-button-primary:hover, a.wpm-button-primary:hover, button:focus, input[type="button"]:focus, input[type="reset"]:focus, input[type="submit"]:focus, .button-primary:focus, a.button-primary:focus, .wpm-button-primary:focus, a.wpm-button-primary:focus, button:active, input[type="button"]:active, input[type="reset"]:active, input[type="submit"]:active, .button-primary:active, a.button-primary:active, .wpm-button-primary:active, a.wpm-button-primary:active, #infinite-handle span {
    	background-color: #F57C6F;
    .navigation-main ul > .current_page_item:hover, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-item:hover, .navigation-main ul > .current-post-ancestor:hover, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-ancestor:hover, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-parent:hover, .navigation-main ul > .current-post-parent:hover {
    	background-color: #F57C6F;
    .navigation-main ul > .current_page_item:hover a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-item:hover a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-post-ancestor:hover a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-ancestor:hover a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-menu-parent:hover a:after, .navigation-main ul > .current-post-parent:hover a:after {
    	border-top-color: #F57C6F;

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