Export Import
thanks for adding this feature , thats make everything easy
so i have qestion about it
i test it from site 1 to site 2 ( fro exp: site 1 have 100 post and site 2 have 50 post and i stop to share in to it and the 50 post it’s have the same id like the site 1
but i can’t see the kewords and noindex nofollow add it in site 2
did i missing somthing here
i improting first
Platinum SEO Options Data
than click submit and when that finish
Import Platinum SEO Meta Data
than click submit and when that finishand when i see all 50 post i see nothing there ….
Please close the tickets you have raised before raising new questions. Do not raise multiple tickets relating to the same question. And try to give good titles to your support questions so that it would be helpful for other users searching for similar solutions.
The export utility exports the whole data. The “Export Platinum SEO Meta Data” exports whatever meta data is available in the custom table _platinumseometa. This includes meta data for all post types. If you exported this data from site 1, you could import this file into site 2. If you are manually altering the data from the exported file, you should take care to ensure that the data you want is there in the exported file before importing it into site 2. The plugin will import whatever is available in the exported file into the _platinumseometa table in site 2.
Data successfully imported!
but the all post stay the same empty keywords and no noindex nofollow add it to site 2
even all post have the same ID
no working for me
even i test for new posts and not working tooDid you read what i commented above? Check your exported file and see whether it has all the data. I cannot comment on your data. and i see you making posts on multiple seo plugin forums here. Not sure what you are upto or trying. If you are trying to see the data on another plugin then it obviously won’t work.
there will obviously be multiple platinum seo meta entries for each post and there is nothing wrong if you see rows with the same post id in the platinumseometa custom table.
I am unable to comprehend what you are trying to say as you seem to be not providing any info and your language is also a bit difficult to comprehend.
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
yes i read what u commented above?
and i can’t close or rename that post there …and about this issue
i check the exported file and all the info there in platinumseometa file
but i can’t see it import it in site 2 … even i’m not using any meta with this plugin in site 2and about making posts on multiple seo ( cuz i trying to see if there any plugins there have importing setting from Platinum SEO »
Where are you checking for the data in site 2? Which country are you from?
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
i checking the data when i export data from site 1
( platinumseometa file ) in notpad ++ or in browser ( and i see all data there => meta tag + keywords )…
and the data not showing up in site 2 after i imported it
thats all.where are you looking for the data in site 2?
inside the posts
and not there anything from keywords or noindex nofollow
and ( still empty )….After exporting the file from site 1, did you log into site 2 and imported it or were you importing it back into the same site 1?
These are the steps you should follow.
1) Export the the file from site 1.
2) Log into site 2
3) Import it into site 2
4) Check a sample post for the data i.e. keywords.the tool works well. If you are still unable to get it done, you should seek professional help for the data import.
you earlier mentioned this:
“i test it from site 1 to site 2 ( fro exp: site 1 have 100 post and site 2 have 50 post and i stop to share in to it and the 50 post it’s have the same id like the site 1”
I am unable to understand what you are saying above! that is why I asked you what your country is and what your native language is.
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
You should check for keywords in the Analysis tab and noindex, nofollow as green in Advanced tab of Platinum SEO Metabox of each Post.
of course iam login into site 2 and i imported to the site 2
and i already use all the steps right1) Export the the file from site 1.
2) Log into site 2
3) Import it into site 2
4) Check a sample post for the data i.e. keywords.and after i update to latest version for both sites
and see the Platinum SEO Meta Data of 82089 Rows successfully imported!
and nothing happened
test post in site 2
i don’t see any kewords there ( still empty )
and i don’t see the red button for noindex, nofollow ( still green )sorry not work for me
did u test it =====> like this situation i have
Yes, that is how it is tested and it work. Now go to phpmyadmin in site 2 and check table wp_platinumseometa. If it has 82089 rows, then everything has been imported.
Also, check whether the test post (note down the post id) that you are talking about has keywords data in site 1. If it doesn’t have keywords data, then you will not have keywords data for that post id in site 2.
the problem is not with the plugin and the issue is not reproducible! Get in touch via email.
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
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