• Hi,
    I’ve been using the MBM for a while. I am creating a new site and wanted to export my existing books and grid to import to the new site. But when I click the export button I get a page not found 404 error.
    Everything is working fine.
    I can always enter the books afresh but if there was an easy fix the export/import would save me time.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author mooberrydreams


    I am not able to reproduce on my server.

    Do you have any plugins or settings that would affect access to a file outside of WordPress? Special rewrite rules or anything like that?

    If you’d like me to take a look at your setup, please create an account for support@mooberrydreams.com on your site.

    Thread Starter jimmurdoch


    I had a redirect plugin but that is now deactivated and still the error is there.
    I have added you as a user. You should get an email.
    But if it’s not immediately obvious, don’t spend time on it.

    Plugin Author mooberrydreams


    Nothing is standing out. My other thought is, so you have any custom directory mapping? Is your wp-content directory names something else? Is Mooberry Book Manager installed in a folder other than mooberry-book-manager?

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