• Hi,

    I’m trying to exclude some categories from the archives page. I’m using the Selecta Theme and since it’s a video theme, the archive page is not the usual one (you can see by yourself here clicking the archives link).

    I wanted to add a php if statement but I can’t find the right place to add it.

    The source code of the archives page is the following. Thanks for your help.

    	/* Template Name: Selecta Archives */
    	global $wpdb, $is_archive;
    	$is_archive = "1";
    	if(file_exists("../../../wp-blog-header.php")) :
    	if($_GET["month"]) :
    		$use_date = StrToDate("15/".$_GET["month"]."/".$_GET["year"]);
    		echo $use_date;
    	//DISTINCT YEAR(post_date) AS year, MONTH(post_date) AS month, count(ID) as posts
    	$fetch_archive = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->posts . " WHERE post_status='publish' AND post_type = 'post' GROUP BY $wpdb->posts.ID ORDER BY post_date DESC");
    	$last_month = date("m Y", strtotime($fetch_archive[0]->post_date));
    <div id="content-container">
        <div id="archive-detail-1">
    		<h2 class="post-section-title"><?php echo date("M Y", strtotime($fetch_archive[0]->post_date)); ?></h2>
            <div class="post-slider clearfix">
                        $count = 0;
                        $month_count = 1;
                        $last_month = date("m Y", strtotime($fetch_archive[0]->post_date));
                        foreach($fetch_archive as $archive_data) :
                            $get_post_video = get_post_meta($post->ID, "main_video", true);
                            $get_thumbnail = get_post_meta($archive_data->ID, "other_media", true);
                            $get_video_thumbnail = get_post_meta($archive_data->ID, "video_thumbnail", true);
                            $post_image = "";
                            if($get_thumbnail == "") :
                                $post_image =  fetch_post_image($archive_data->ID, "300", "2000");
                            $category_id = get_the_category($archive_data->ID);
                            $this_category = get_category($category_id[0]->term_id);
                            $this_category_link = get_category_link($category_id[0]->term_id);
                            $link = get_permalink($archive_data->ID);
                            if(date("m Y", strtotime($archive_data->post_date)) !== $last_month) :
                                $count = 1;
                                <div id="archive-detail-<?php echo $month_count; ?>" style="display: none;">
                                	<h2 class="post-section-title"><?php echo date("M Y", strtotime($archive_data->post_date)); ?></h2>
                                    <div class="post-slider clearfix">
                            <?php elseif($count == 4) :
                                $count = 1;
                                <div class="post-slider clearfix">
                            else :
                            <li class="clearfix"<?php if($count == 4) : echo " class=\"last\""; endif; ?>>
                                <div class="container-header-light-normal"><span></span></div>
    							<div class="container-light">
    								<div class="thumbnail">
    									<?php if ($get_video_thumbnail !== "") : ?>
    										<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/functions/timthumb.php?src=<?php echo $get_video_thumbnail ?>&h=&w=300&zc=1" alt="<?php echo $archive_data->post_title; ?>" />
    									<?php elseif($get_thumbnail !== "") : ?>
    										<img src="<?php echo bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/functions/timthumb.php?src=<?php echo $get_thumbnail ?>&w=300&h=&zc=1" alt="<?php echo $archive_data->post_title; ?>" />
    									<?php  elseif ($post_image !== "") :
    										echo $post_image;
    									elseif($get_post_video !== "") :
    										$get_post_video = preg_replace("/(width\s*=\s*[\"\'])[0-9]+([\"\'])/i", "$1 190 $2", $get_post_video);
    										$get_post_video = preg_replace("/(height\s*=\s*[\"\'])[0-9]+([\"\'])/i", "$1 137 $2", $get_post_video);
    											echo $get_post_video;
    									else : ?>
    										<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/slider-test-vid.png" alt="<?php echo $archive_data->post_title; ?>" />
    									<?php endif; ?>
                                <div class="container-footer-light-normal"><span></span></div>
                                <h3><a href="<?php echo get_permalink($archive_data->ID); ?>"><?php echo substr($archive_data->post_title, 0, 45); ?></a></h3>
                            $last_month = date("m Y", strtotime($archive_data->post_date));
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
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