• Karmi


    After almost a year using the free Independent Analytics plugin, I upgraded to the Lifetime PRO back on 11/24/2023.

    Running just a small self-hosted Hostinger WP personal Blog so I’m not a tech or professional.

    Independent Analytics was simple enough for me to use, and the few times it wasn’t, then I just asked for help and the solution quickly followed:

    1. Ask a question
    2. Find an answer
    3. Implement a change based on that answer

    If you’re looking for a great analytics plugin then I *HIGHLY* recommend Independent Analytics!!!

    • This topic was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by Karmi.
    • This topic was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by Karmi.
    • This topic was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by Karmi.
Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    Thanks for the review!

    To add a view counter to your sidebar, you’ll want to add a Shortcode block/widget. Then you can add the view counter shortcode provided by Independent Analytics.

    We have a tutorial here that explains how the shortcode works: https://independentwp.com/knowledgebase/dashboard/display-view-counter/

    Let me know how that works for you!

    Thread Starter Karmi


    Thanks for the info, Ben! Yeah, looks like all the info I need is available, but am just too new to understand it yet, especially adding the Blog sidebar widget with Shortcodes.

    If I understand you right, then when I am ready, I’ll be able to add just the sidebar counter.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Karmi.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Karmi.
    Thread Starter Karmi


    Durn, looks like I sorta did it!? 😉 Got it to the sidebar, but it’s not showing total views on Home page. Will Tinker wid some more ‘n see what happens. Thanks for the tips, Ben!

    Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    Nice work!

    As for the counter showing 0 on the homepage, that is actually our mistake. I will have this fixed in the next update.

    Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    Hey @karmi32680,

    After looking into this further, it’s more complicated than I anticipated, so I’m afraid we’re not going to be able to include a bug fix in the update coming out this Thursday. We will, however, be able to address it in the subsequent update.

    For now, you can use the Widget Options plugin to hide the widget on archives while displaying it only on Posts and Pages.

    Thread Starter Karmi


    Thanks for the quick update, Ben! No biggie or rush, it’s my first self-hosted blog (Hostinger 11/4/2022) on a 4-year subscription plan, and I am only using your excellent Stat counter on my Dash anyway. I like it better than the Jetpack version on my Dash. Jetpack has a Blog sidebar stat counter widget that I’m not using since I only have 273 views at this point…

    Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    Hi @karmi32680 ,

    We released version 1.18 and it’s fixed the view counter so you can use the shortcode on every page of your site.

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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