• Hi all,

    I know EWWW Image Optimizer is sometimes a pain to install. I’ve been searching for a solution, but have given up and am asking for help.

    I have the following information under settings:

    jpegtran: MISSING Install automatically | manually
    optipng: MISSING Copy
    gifsicle: MISSING Copy
    Debug Info

    jpegtran path:
    optipng path:
    gifsicle path:
    pngout path:
    disabled functions:
    gifsicle permissions: 0755
    optipng permissions: 0755
    wp-content/ewww permissions: 0755

    I’ve manually checked the installation instructions (wp_content>ewww) and there are 3 files (jpegtran, optipng and gifsicle). Not sure what I’m doing wrong, any ideas?

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