This plugin is essential, see why:
Every virtual store on the web needs to communicate information about its products to its customers, in different locations on the store and to the specific users (if you have them segmented by roles/profiles), and at the exact moment when their purchase reaches a certain amount for example, and many other occasions, which the plugin covers many (Triggers and filters)
Someone will say that I do it with a simple snippet, but having them organized with this plugin, being able to design the message by adding images and shortcode, and then place the message through hooks (predefine or custom hook)
In short, it is a magnificent plugin that can help you a lot to improve what you communicate to your customers, have those messages well organized, activate and deactivate them whenever you want manually or automatically, and decide on the design you need.
For now the plugin is still free, and despite that the attention of its technical support was excellent.