Could you please provide a list of the active plugins? I will do some testing and see if I can pinpoint the issue on my side as well.
Thank you,
Hi @rnoakes3rd,
Thanks for your answer.
It doesn’t seem to be a plugins conflict, i disabled all but Nav Menu Collapse and still get the red error notification in Admin > Appearance > Menus when creating a new menu
Maybe it’s rather related to the server config: PHP 7.4 / nginx / fastCGI
Or some custom PHP in this site, i have to investigate.
Moreover, it’s the first time i get this error when using your plugin which usually runs fine. So, probably an issue specificly related to this site.
Thank you again, @studioavanti. Please keep me posted during your digging.
@rnoakes3rd A new clue: the error doesn’t occur with the “Store Collapsed States” option disabled.
While enabled, the plugin taps into the window.wpNavMenu.eventOnClickMenuSave function and makes an AJAX call to save the stored states before saving the menu. I just tested this functionality on a few sites with no issues. Is there anything in the error log that could shed some light on this? Perhaps AJAX is failing somehow?
Thank you for digging,
Hi @rnoakes3rd,
You’re right, it looks like an Ajax error, but hard to tell.
The browser console return a 400 error with this file:
POST https://site.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 400
send @ load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.7.2:formatted:3918
ajax @ load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.7.2:formatted:3680
s.ajax.s.ajax @ load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.7.2:formatted:4363
S.<computed> @ load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.7.2:formatted:3795
eventOnClickMenuSave @ script-36f434cb33.js?ver=2.1.0:2
(anonymous) @ nav-menu.min.js?ver=5.7.2:2
dispatch @ load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.7.2:formatted:2030
v.handle @ load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.7.2:formatted:1962
Being a 400 error, there could be something in the PHP error log. Do you have access to that? If not, is there any way you could turn on site debugging (WP_DEBUG) so I could get more accurate line numbers for the errors in the console?
Thank you,
I just released a new version of the plugin that contains some changes to the assets. This may or may not resolve your issue. If it does not, would you mind sending a copy of the theme my way so I can do some testing on my side?
If I don’t hear from you within a week, I’m going to close this ticket out.
Thank you,
Hi @rnoakes3rd,
Thanks for the update, sorry i didn’t had the time to troubleshoot my issue any further, moreover, it’s beyond my scope.
Ok, i’ll test with the new version of the plugin and report.
Just tested Nav Menus Collapse latest version 2.1.1, it doesn’t fix my issue unfortunately.
When the “Store Collapsed States” option is enabled in the plugin’s General Settings, i can’t create a new menu, an error message is displayed in a red box at right bottom of the screen.
The issue disappears once the option above is disabled.
Probably an Ajax conflict as mentioned previously, outside of my scope, not a blocking problem either, i don’t create menus every 5 minutes. 😉
Thank you, @studioavanti! I’m going to close out this ticket for now. If anyone else has a similar issues, please let me know.