• seydiemrah


    Since version 4.15.12 of the plugin, I have been receiving the following error:

    “Warning: Cannot declare class PAnD, because the name is already in use in ../wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/third-party/vendor/collizo4sky/persist-admin-notices-dismissal/persist-admin-notices-dismissal.php on line 161”

    When we look at line 161, the code \class_alias('ProfilePressVendor\PAnD', 'PAnD', \false); is present. I disabled this code or added the line @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 ); to wp-config.php to hide this warning, but wouldn’t it be better if the plugin developer found a solution so that this isn’t necessary?

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  • Plugin Author Collins Agbonghama


    Firstly, you shouldn’t enable error display on a production/live website.

    Secondly the issue is because another plugin is using the PanD library as us. Ideally this shouldn’t be an issue because of the class_Exist check in PanD.

    But because we are using the phpscoper lib we are using to prefix our dependencies. the class_alias is automatically generated hence the issue.

    We are still investigating how best to fix the issue.

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