• Resolved mrimpact


    Hi, how are you?

    I’m trying to use QUICK.cloud, but I’m getting the same error in several stores, can you help me please?

    There was a problem with retrieving your Domain Key. Please click the Waiting for Approval button to retry.
    There are two reasons why we might not be able to communicate with your domain::
    1) The POST callback to https://ayla.studio416x.com/wp-json/litespeed/v1/token failed.
    2) Our Current Online Server IPs was not whitelisted.
    Please verify that your other plugins are not blocking REST API calls, whitelist our server IPs, or contact your server admin for assistance

    Report number: FGQFNZTZ
    Thank you very much!

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  • Thread Starter mrimpact


    Add all ips to whitelist on all server firewalls, all ok.

    Plugin Support qtwrk



    from log check it shows being blocked by imunify360 , please whitelist our IPs https://quic.cloud/ips

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter mrimpact


    Hi @qtwrk ,
    Thanks for quick reply.

    Looks like everything is ok, I’ve added it in CSF and IMUNIFY, they use the same database.

    I have this other tweak in cPHulk:
    I’ve blacklisted almost every country so they can’t talk to cpanel services.
    I only have these liberated countries:


    Do you think that could be it? Do we need to liberate another country?

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    well , I am not familiar with cPHulk , but I think the whitelisted IPs should take precedence over blocking list, doesn’t it ?

    the incoming requests from QC could be coming from different countries , depends on service and node status though .

    Thread Starter mrimpact


    I also added the ips to cphulk’s whitelist.

    Everything looks ok.
    There are no blocking entries through it.

    Do you think it might be some tweaking on the site, or htacess? strange that, a while ago it was working.

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    emmmmm , the log on my side only shows imunify360 blocked it with 403 error

    does it work now ? did you request it again ?

    Thread Starter mrimpact


    I disable CSF and CPHULK, and ask again.
    It will take 15 minutes.

    Thread Starter mrimpact



    Nothing works:
    Disable CSF + MODSECURITY + IMUNIFY 360, I can’t even submit the order now.

    systemctl stop imunify360

    Thread Starter mrimpact


    I sent a new report to see if there is anything, please
    Report number: YUDMVGFH

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    on my log it still shows 403’ed by i360

    please create a ticket by mail to support at litespeedtech.com with reference link to this topic

    we will investigate further.

    Thread Starter mrimpact


    I will do this.
    Thank you very much!

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