• Hello.
    When trying to use Object storage from scaleway (S3 compatible), I’m getting the error :

    S3 connection error: Error executing "PutObject" on "https://REDACTRED.s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/.xcloner_d02eb9"; AWS HTTP error: Client error:PUT https://REDACTRED.s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/.xcloner_d02eb9resulted in a400 Bad Requestresponse: AuthorizationHeaderMalformedThe authorization header (truncated...) AuthorizationHeaderMalformed (client): The authorization header is malformed; the region '' is wrong; expecting 'fr-par' - AuthorizationHeaderMalformedThe authorization header is malformed; the region '' is wrong; expecting 'fr-par'fr-partxb9c55445fb45574418-005e05657836

    Is this something we can expect in the future updates?

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