Hello @portrayalteam.
Most likely, you have 2 accounts: one is paid, the other is not. And you see an offer to upgrade in the unpaid account.
If you have any further questions, please contact us via our private Ticket System: https://cleantalk.org/my/support/open.
WordPess.org Support Forum is for plugins only, not the service.
I don’t think that’s it. We have 9 of 10 sites used on this service. It tries to load them at first, but then it fails and shows an error message that says “failed to load sites”.
We were able to localize the cause of the error and are already working to eliminate it.
We will contact you as soon as possible and inform you about the result.
I’m getting the same error. I didn’t see this thread when I was writing mine, sorry about that.
I also have the same error
Thanks for the quick response 🙂
We’ve fixed the issue. Please check.