Hello @gnam389,
The issue is already fixed in the development branch which works as expected.
I need to check the fix for other cases as well.
So, If you want the earlier plugin zip which have the fix which you have shared then please contact on email mwaghmare7@gmail.com
Or, please wait for the next release.
@mahesh901122 Please include this line in your post so it is in CODE or PRE . format
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
After clicking to copy, it will appear like this:
apt-get update &.a.m.p;&.a.m.p; apt-get upgrade -y
This will not run on linux
Hello @gnam389,
There should be some glitch for that it converts the & to &
I’ll check it on my localhost and share my feedback soon.
I’m looking forward to the next update. tks