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Edit: the page contains a post, but it does not contain the MashShare shortcode, so presumably, the js script is breaking.
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The broken js script is preventing enqueued scripts from loading. I’d like to use MashShare, but it’s a blocker right now. I’m on a time crunch, so getting this fixed asap would really be appreciated!
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I applied a temporary fix by including the page ids in the “Exclude from post id” setting. There are 11 IDs I had to add, so it’s not a great long term solution.
@prodo how did you included mashshare, using shortcode, automatic mode?
@rastadjust i included a moderator to check your issue: @modlook
Jan Dembowski
Forum Moderator and Brute Squad
@renehermi Putting modlook
in the content doesn’t do anything. You need to put it in the tags field below. I just happen to see it when reviewing posts.
@rastadjust Don’t post in other peoples topic with your problem, OK? will show you what you are subscribed to. should let you unsubscribe to the forum if you are subscribed there.
Thank you very much @jdembowski. i am glad that you have seen it, anyhow:-)
I was not aware that i can handle the subscriptions from the profile. Otherwise i had answered to the guy instead calling you.
Jan Dembowski
Forum Moderator and Brute Squad
It’s all good. 😉 The subscription options are… not well publicized? Anyway there’s many options for that.
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Thanks, guys. @jdembowski – I got a chuckle out of the sign in your profile picture. Nice.
@renehermi – I’m using <?php echo do_shortcode('[mashshare shares="false"]'); ?>
in the Repeater Template of the “Ajax Load More” plugin as well as
echo do_shortcode('[mashshare shares="false"]');
$facebook_share_button = ob_get_clean();
in a custom single.php
file of mine.
I don’t think it’s the implementation of the shortcode. I think the problem is that I’m not implementing the shortcode on some of my pages that have posts. The MashShare js script is looking for the shortcode, and it’s not there, so it’s breaking. I think that’s why you guys included the “Exclude from post id” feature, but this is a tedious and inefficient solution if you have dozens of pages with posts that don’t have the shortcode.
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@renehermi I’ve fixed the problem. It looks like there was a conflict with the jQuery library I was loading on certain pages. Sorry about this!
Great job on the plugin – thanks!