• Hi I am trying to install WP3.5.1 on Wiondows 2008R2, I have php installed, IIS installed, MySQL installed. When i goto my homepage

    http://localhost/blog, I get the landing screen . There does not seem to be a wp-config file. When I try and set it up via the create configuraiton file it does not conenct to the database.

    Even if I copy the sample and enter the details it still does not connect to the databse. I can login to the database at a command prompt mysql -u wpdbuser. I am stuck.

    Even if I enter the root user name and password I get the same error, cannot establish.

    DO not know what else to do or try

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  • Have you created a database and assigned wpdbuser full access rights to that database?

    Moderator t-p


    Error connecting to your database is common, but it isn’t necessarily a problem with wordpress itself.
    – double check your wp-config.php file settings for the database name, database username and database password. This is where most errors occur.
    -Then check that you don’t need to change the database host from “localhost” to something else. You can get that info from your hosting provider.
    -Check you have actually created a database with the same database name as is in your wp-config.php file.
    -Last, but not least, if all that information is correct your database probably has a problem with it, and you may need to contact your hosting provider if the database server is online / if they have any other problem at their end, or they made any changes to your account, or if there are any limitations/restrictions, if the hosting package is set to Windows and not Linux, etc.
    -There are also many threads on this topic on these forums: http://wordpress.org/search/Error+establishing+a+database+connection?forums=1

    Server Must be Down. Try after Sometime

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