• Resolved Samuel Mente



    I have a problem getting your plugin running on one of the Websites I want to use it for. The problem:
    When activating the Plugin the WordPress Backend only works rather limited. In the console/network Tabs I can see that all assets (images/js/css) return “net::ERR_ABORTED 500”. The site itself only returns raw html for content without any styling.
    When I reload the settings page for the plugin multiple times without having the console open at some point I am able to change settings. Changing delivery to passthrough seems to mostly solve the problem. Going back to the htaccess-Method results in the errors reappearing.

    The plugin sadly didn’t give me any error messages and I also couldn’t find anything in the WP_DEBUG log when having it active.

    I already tried:
    Deactivating all Plugins except Converter for Media. I still got the errors.

    Here is some information about the page:
    Hosted with https://www.strato.de/ (wouldn’t recommend, but I can’t change it for now)

    And your Plugins debug-Information:

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Mateusz Gbiorczyk


    Hi @samuelmente,

    Thank you for your message. I am sorry you have encountered a problem with our plugin. Do not worry, I will try to help you.

    In the plugin settings, in the Advanced Settings section, please activate the “Disable rewrite inheritance in .htaccess files” option. This should solve your problem.


    Plugin Author Mateusz Gbiorczyk


    @samuelmente I would appreciate feedback if this solved your problem.

    Thread Starter Samuel Mente


    Thank you very much! This worked perfectly.

    Plugin Author Mateusz Gbiorczyk


    I’ve researched this and the issue seems to be affecting all websites on STRATO hosting. In the latest version of the plugin (5.7.0) I added the “Disable rewrite inheritance in .htaccess files” option checked by default when STRATO hosting is detected.

    This change should resolve issues for other plugin users using this hosting.

    @samuelmente, thanks again for reporting.

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