Hi @ald182
Can you please let me know you have issue for login page or whole website?
If for login access issue do you have IP whitelist enabled and IP got changed ?
define( ‘AIOS_DISABLE_LOGIN_WHITELIST’, true ); in wp-config.php and try.
If the site shows 403 error
Try remove the code in .htaccess
BEGIN All In One WP Security
END All In One WP Security
Let me know if still issue.
me too!
If I go to the usual set-up 'WP Security hidden' login page, I am having exactly the same problem...
I get:
Access to www.mydomain.com was denied
You don't have authorisation to view this page.
Last update and nothing to do with my IP.
In-fact if I go to the standard WP login page - i.e. mysdomain.com/wp-admin, I see it.
If I upload older .htaccess, no change
Also, when I go and check current .htaccess, there is no whitelist !
I am confused.
If I take .htaccess off, whole site goes 403.
As it is, site is accessible, 403 on admin only.
This reply was modified 2 years ago by astr0wp.
In the meantime I had to rename and do the usual …
Problem is, I have not done anything !
I even installed down to 5.1.1 and also deactivated all plugins.
No change
Then I installed an older version 4 and work s fine!
It did happen to me maybe a year ago and went back to one of the 4 versions and worked.
Just so you know.
Managed to have the 5.0.9 version working.
That is it. Tired to try and try.
I know mine is a free version, but … all the same.
Happy Christmas
This reply was modified 2 years ago by astr0wp.
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Hi @hjogiupdraftplus,
Thank you for your message.
This is for the whole site. I have to rename the plugin folder to disable it to access the site, when I update it.
It’s not a login or whitelist problem since version 5.1.1 works. It’s the upper ones that don’t work.
I already tried removing the code in .htaccess and the problem is still there.
Hi @ald182, @astr0wp
I will try check in more detail can you please let me know the server you are running the site is it nginx / lightspeed ?
I may have found ‘a problem’
Since I did not do anything, maybe your coding causes this problem when or if HOST company changes IP!
Mine recently changed where they host their customer sites = changed IP.
No, it is not nginx / lightspeed and it only happened to one of the sites on same shared linux server… in my case
Just an idea.
Hi @astr0wp
If you have login whitelist IP enabled and your IP is not static then it might be issue. Disable login white list and check it that is the issue.
Add define( ‘AIOS_DISABLE_LOGIN_WHITELIST’, true ); in wp-config.php and try check.
Please enable it only if you have static IP.
WP Security > Settings >> Advanced IP detection method > set it to make sure correct IP detected and IF there it keeps changing to not enable login whitelist instead try rename login and cookie based brute force enabled.
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Hi @hjogiupdraftplus,
I am on neither of the 2 servers. I am on ovhcloud.com
Hi @ald182
ovhcould.com seems hosting provider not the actual server your website running. you may ask your hosting provider exact details.
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It seems so though. I can’t find any conflicting info.
Hi @ald182
Ok, Basically 403 error issue comes due to the login whitelist enabled and IP gets changed if any other issue needs to know the details of it that is why asking. Do you have still the issue ?
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Hi @hjogiupdraftplus
The IP address is not changed and the login whitelist was never enabled.
Also as said before, the 403 error occurred when updating the plugin and nothing was changed.
Yes I just updated the plugin and still the 403 error.
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To see if there is a conflict with one of the plugins I use, I tested the problem by disabling them one by one.
The only one I haven’t deactivated in my thirties is woocommerce. Without any plugin (except woocommerce) as soon as I go to update I always get 403 error.