• Resolved kos2009


    hi guys,
    i’m trying to test free version, for evalute it.

    Woo is my version of 2.0.20 and 1.3.8 wp free lister . I’m having a lot of problems , because the ads become prepared but fail the verification phase with ebay ( faileded in Verify, revise and end listings ) . The errors that I see are:
    Error: (# 37)
    The input data for the tag <Item.ShippingDetails.CODCost> are invalid or missing . Check the API documentation .
    Error: (# 90002 )
    soap -fault : Data entered are not valid.

    Can you please help me? For error 37 , I’m trying to set up a free shipping, but shipping on any change face gives me the same error .

    I have no idea about error 9002 : what do I say?

    In the details this is a log error:

    “<? xml version = ” 1.0 ” encoding = ” utf -8 ” ? >
    < soap: Envelope xmlns: xsi = ” http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance ” xmlns: xsd = ” http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema ” xmlns : soap = “http :/ / schemas.xmlsoap.org / soap / envelope / ” encodingStyle =” http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/ ” xmlns =” urn: ebay : apis : eBLBaseComponents “>
          <eBayAuthToken> … </ eBayAuthToken >
            <appId> …………………………….. </ AppId >
            <DevId> ……………… </ DevID >
            <AuthCert> … </ AuthCert >
          </ Credentials >
        </ RequesterCredentials >
      < / soap: Header >
      <SOAP:Body> element
          </ AutoPay >
            </ Country>
            < / Currency >
              <! – Replace main image When I hover over thumbnails ->
              <script type=”text/javascript”>
                    wplOnThumbnailHover function (source) {
                        if ( source.indexOf ( ‘ { {var ‘ ) > -1 ) return false;
                        var big_image ;
                        big_image = document.getElementById (” wpl_main_image “). getElementsByTagName ( “img” ) [0] . src = source ;
              </ script>
              <div id=”wpl_wrapper”>
                <div id=”wpl_store_header”>
                  <div class=”hotline”> Call us : 0230114177 </ div>
                    <div class=”hotline”> http://www.mysite.it </ div>
                      <div class=”clearfix”>
                      </ div>
                      <div class=”main_section”>
                        <h3 class=”bar”> proposes cushions and pillows with kapok , hypoallergenic pillow in pure wool pillow hypoallergenic mite, pure wool </ h3>
                                <td class=”primary”>
                                  <div id=”wpl_main_image”>
                                  </ div>
                                  <div id=”wpl_list_images”>
                                                                </ div>
                                </ td>
                                <td class=”wpl_description secondary”>
                                  <h2> proposes cushions and pillows with kapok , hypoallergenic pillow in pure wool pillow hypoallergenic mite, pure wool </ h2>
                                    <p class=”long_desc”>
                                      <p> wool contained within the pillows gives elasticity ‘ , softness, warmth and providing optimal breathability , so you do not sweat . The pillow helps to help absorb sweats notturne.La simultaneous presence of essential oil and wool , promotes the care of the pain from the neck. </ P>
                                    </ p>
                                  </ td>
                                </ tr>
                              </ tbody >
                            </ table>
                          </ div>
                          <div class=”section”>
                            <h3 class=”bar”> shipping < / h3>
                               Shipping cost : </ strong>
    <i> Shipping 14 Euro , sending by courier </ i>
                            </ p>
    Delivery time : </ strong>
    <i> Two working days from the date of receipt of your payment < / i>
                          </ p>
                        </ div>
                        <div class=”section”>
                          <h3 class=”bar”> Payment </ h3>
                            <p> accepted as payment < / p>


    • PayPal </ li>
    • Credit Card </ li>
    • Bank transfer </ li>
                                    </ ul>
                                      <p> Please contact us if you have any questions . </ p>
                                    </ div>
                                    <div class=”section”>
                                      <h3 class=”bar”> Service </ h3>
                                        <i> We are at your service: in case of any doubts or questions , please visit our website http://www.mysite.it and you can speak directly with us by phone, email or chat . </ i>
                                      </ p>
                                    </ div>
                                    <div class=”section”>
                                      <h3 class=”bar”> Recent additions </ h3>
                                        <script type=”text/javascript”>
                                        document.write (“< ” + “if” + “ra ” + “me “);
                                        document.write ( “id = \” wpl_widget_new_listings \ “class = \ ” wpl_gallery \ ” style = \ ” height : 175px ; width: 100% ; border: none ; \ “src = \” http://www.mysite . com / wp- admin / admin – ajax.php ? wpl_gallery action = new & type = 1 & id = \ “border = \ ” 0 \ “”);
                                        document.write ( “>
                                        </ “+ ” if ” + ” ra ” +” me ” +”> “);
                                        </ script>
                                        </ p>
                                      </ div>
                                    </ div>
                                    <! – # Wpl_wrapper ->
                                  </ p>
                                < / Description>
                                </ Hitcounter >
                                </ ListingDuration >
                                </ ListingType >
                                our location
                                </ Location >
                                </ PaymentMethods >
                                  myname … …
                                </ PayPalEmailAddress >
                                  </ CategoryID >
                                </ PrimaryCategory >
                                </ Quantity>
                                  </ CategoryID >
                                </ SecondaryCategory >
                                    We accept payment by Paypal or by credit card . We do not ship COD .
                                    For more details see our website: http://www.mysite.it
                                  </ Payment Instructions >
                                    </ ShippingService >
                                    </ ShippingServiceCost >
                                    </ ShippingServiceAdditionalCost >
                                    </ ShippingServicePriority >
                                  </ ShippingServiceOptions >
                                    </ ShippingService >
                                    </ ShippingServiceCost >
                                    </ ShippingServiceAdditionalCost >
                                    </ ShippingServicePriority >
                                    </ ShipToLocation >
                                  </ InternationalShippingServiceOption >
                                  </ ShippingType >
                                  </ CODCost >
                                </ Shipping Details >
                                </ ShipToLocations >
                                < / Site >
                                <StartPrice CurrencyID=”EUR” > 30 </ StartPrice >
                                  myname proposes cushions and pillows with kapok , hypoallergenic pillow pure …
                                </ Title>
                                </ UUID >
                                  </ VATPercent >
                                </ VATDetails >
                                  </ BestOfferEnabled >
                                </ BestOfferDetails >
                                </ GetItFast >
      </ PostalCode >
                                  </ GalleryType >
                                  </ GALLERYURL >
                                  </ PictureURL >
                                </ PictureDetails >
                                </ DispatchTimeMax >
                                      New / Used
                                    < / Name>
                                    < / Value >
                                  </ NameValueList >
                                      Unit of measure
                                    < / Name>
                                    < / Value >
                                  </ NameValueList >
                                </ Item specifics >
                                </ CrossBorderTrade >
                                  </ ReturnsAcceptedOption >
                                </ Return Policy >
                                </ ConditionID >
                                    </ ReturnProfileID >
                                  </ SellerReturnProfile >
                                    </ PaymentProfileID >
                                  </ SellerPaymentProfile >
                                </ SellerProfiles >
                              < / Item >
                            </ VerifyAddFixedPriceItemRequest >
                          </ soap : Body>
                        < / soap: Envelope>
      <! – Wpl_formatXmlString () ->

    <? xml version = “1.0” encoding = “UTF -8” ? >
    < soapenv : Envelope xmlns: soapenv = ” http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ ” xmlns: xsd = ” http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema ” xmlns: xsi = ” http: / / http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance ” >
       <faultcode xmlns:ns1=”http://xml.apache.org/axis/”&gt; ns1 : Server </ faultcode >
       <faultstring> Data entered are not valid. </ faultstring >
       <faultactor> http://www.ebay.com/ws/websvc/eBayAPI </ faultactor >
         <ErrorCode> 37 </ ErrorCode >
         <Severity> Error </ Severity >
         <DetailedMessage> The input data for the tag <Item.ShippingDetails.CODCost> are invalid or missing . Check the API documentation . </ DetailedMessage >
        </ FaultDetail >
       < / detail >
      </ soapenv : Fault >
     </ soapenv : Body>
    </ soapenv : Envelope>

    Thank you , I would get to the stage of verification of products with positive ebay to evaluate the purchase of Wp lister Pro


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  • Plugin Author WP Lab


    Hi Kos,

    please do not post such complete log records to the forum – all you need to do is to use the “Send to support” button to send a log record to support. This will keep the XML more readable and you don’t have to manually remove private details from the code.

    There are only two important snippets here – the first being the error message itself…

    The input data for the tag <Item.ShippingDetails.CODCost> are invalid or missing.

    … the second one is the CODCost field as it was sent to eBay:


    So you seem to have entered “no” as the COD fee – which isn’t an allowed value. You need to enter either a numerical amount (ie. the actual cash on delivery fee in dollars) – or just leave it empty if you don’t want to enable cash on delivery (or don’t want to charge for it).

    Let me know when you have any other questions – but please use the “Send to Support” button next time.

    kind regards,


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