• Resolved hunde-hotel.dk


    When using salesprice along with date from and date to. The system shows the salesprice instead of regularprice (even before the salesprice should work.)

    Regularprice 100,00
    Salesprice: 80,00
    Date from 26-11-2020
    Date to 12-12-2020.

    The system show the price today as 80.00 (not even as a salesales but as regularprice)

    When removing the dates, the system works fine and show regularprice and salesprice.

    It has worked before.

    Woocommerce Version 4.7.0
    Not sure how to see wordpress version, but I think it is the newest.

    Looking forward hearing from you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Senff – a11n


    Hey @hunde-hoteldk

    Can you share a link to a product where this happens, and also show a screenshot of how you’ve set up the sales price for this product?

    For making screenshots, I generally recommend using https://snipboard.io — please follow the instructions on that page, then paste the URL here in your response.

    Thread Starter hunde-hotel.dk


    Setup with salesprice and dates: https://snipboard.io/TBvq6x.jpg
    Picture in frontend: https://snipboard.io/J3NHyb.jpg
    Setup with salesprice no dates: https://snipboard.io/QsrlLT.jpg
    Picture in frontend: https://snipboard.io/yVCE3d.jpg

    Hope this can help (I have also tried using woobe for bulk change – the same happens)

    Thread Starter hunde-hotel.dk


    Hi, I have tested some more, when I only set end date and have a blank start date, the system is working ok. So as far as I can see, the problem is only when using salesprice, startdate and enddate – the salespris is shown as regularprice in shop – se schrenshots aboove.

    Hi there,

    Thank you for sharing these details with us!

    I’m able to see the price discounts despite having the schedule of the sale price in a different time period. I’m currently investigating this with my team and will follow up with you here very soon.

    Warm regards,

    Hey again!

    Please disregard the above. It appears something else was affecting my pricing showing up correctly which lead me to believe the same thing was happening.

    This appears to be caused by a plugin/theme conflict. Could you try to run a plugin/theme conflict test as described here:


    And to let us know how are things going?

    Warm regards,

    Thread Starter hunde-hotel.dk


    Thank you for your help, and I am sorry to had trouble you. I have now found the plugin that gives the trouble. It had worked before. But when removing plugin “Role Based Price For WooCommerce” the prices are worked as planned.

    I can see that someone else has reported this to the plugin owner, so hopefully it will be solved soon.

    Thank you all for the help.

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