Empty recipe
After completing the fields, the preview is empty, even if you save it, on the site the recipe is empty.
Going to modify the recipe the fields that were previously filled out now are empty.
Please provide some more information:
– version of Recipe Press reloaded
– version of wordpressCan this issue be related to this one: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/issue-with-creating-a-new-recipe/?
WordPress 4.8.1
RecipePress reloaded 0.9.2First time I use it, it never worked, but the first time I’ve saved I received the error “There was an error doing autosave”, as in the linked issue.
I reported the same problem also on GitHub, not knowing which was the most suitable place.I’m sorry, I couldn’t reproduce the problems you’ve described on my test system running
– PHP 7.0
– wordpress 4.8.1
– recipepress 0.9.2
– Firefox 55
Saving a new recipe works as expected.
I will need more information to sort this out.Generally this is the place where users report their errors. I expect people having an GitHub account to be more of a developer. So if you’ve found an error nd can provided detailed information or already have a patch, GitHub is the place to report.
As a browser I use Chrome 60.0.3112.90 (can this be the problem?), and I have the problem on two different sites, one with PHP 7.0.19, and the other with PHP 5.6.
What other information can I provide?
Chrome (Chromium 60.0.3112.90) does show the autosave error for me, but does save the recipe without problems for me.
Doe you have any other plugins active on both your sites? Could you just disable them and try again please?
For me the problem does not seem to come from RecipePress reloaded itself.Yes, the problem is Jetpack by WordPress.com, disabling it the plugin works.
It is an essential plugin for my theme, I hope you can solve this problem.-
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
I still can’t reproduce the error. Jetpack itself does not seem to be the cause. Although I did not test with a detailed configuration.
Please tell me the name of your theme.My theme is Dyad 2
I’m sorry, but I simply can’t reproduce this problem.
I’v tried it using dayd-2’s sister theme dyad as dyad-2 is only available on wordpress.com.
Still everything works like expected.
Sorry I can’t help you there.Thinking that the problem was the theme Dyad 2 I tried to install Dyad, but it still does not work. Even deleting all the themes and returning to the default theme does not work.
The only way to run the plugin is to disable Jetpack.
I’d love to help you out, but I just can’t reproduce the error. For me the plugin work’s as intended with:
– JetPack installed and activated
– Dyad-2 theme
– WordPress 4.8.1
– RecipePress reloaded 0.9.2 (fresh download from repo)I’m sorry, but there is nothing more I could do for you. The reason for this problem seems to be oustide the scope of RPR and my help.
I understand, but the fact is I have the problem on two different sites, each one on a different web host. The only thing in common is the version of WordPress, the version of the plugin, the theme, and Jetpack (that if turned off, the plugin works properly, but some features of the theme are disabled).
Or I did something wrong (possible), or there is something wrong with the plugin.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
Jan Koester. Reason: Double post
I see the facts. But it’s also fact that using the same versions of wordpress, the plugin, the theme and jetpack I do not get the error. So probably some functions of jetpack are interfering with RPR. I can’t test this on my dev system as I run wordpress locally and therefore can’t connect to jetpack.
Very difficult to debug now.
Could you please have a look at the PHP error log of your hosts if there is anything related to RPR. Maybe there is a clue.
It might also be related to this: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/jetpack-plugin-conflicts-with-wordpress-visual-mode/ and several similar reports affecting quite a lot of plugins using custom post typesIf the PHP error log is of no help, please report this issue also to Jetpack
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
Jan Koester.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
Jan Koester.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
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