• Hello!

    I’m a newbie in this forum and my English isn`t that good. Sorry.

    Basic informations:
    I use the TwentyEleven Theme.
    Plugin: Email posts to subscribers

    I want to make a newsletter with the last 5 posts.
    But I want to use the first image of the post and not the thumbnail for the list.
    How can I change that?

    MySide: http://www.qualityinmotion.at/blog

    Code of the Plugin:

    <?php if(preg_match('#' . basename(__FILE__) . '#', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { die('You are not allowed to call this page directly.'); } ?>
    class elp_cls_newsletter
    	public static function elp_template_compose($id = 0, $post = 5, $cat = "", $orderby = "", $order = "DESC", $action = "preview")
    		$excerpt_length = 50; // Change this value to increase the content length in newsletter.
    		global $wpdb;
    		$prefix = $wpdb->prefix;
    		$preview = "";
    		$arrRes = array();
    		$sSql = "SELECT * FROM <code>".$prefix."elp_templatetable</code> where 1=1";
    		$sSql = $sSql . " and elp_templ_id=".$id;
    		$arrRes = $wpdb->get_row($sSql, ARRAY_A);
    		if(count($arrRes) > 0)
    			$elp_templ_heading = stripslashes($arrRes['elp_templ_heading']);
    			$elp_templ_header = stripslashes($arrRes['elp_templ_header']);
    			$elp_templ_body = stripslashes($arrRes['elp_templ_body']);
    			$elp_templ_footer = stripslashes($arrRes['elp_templ_footer']);
    			$elp_templ_status = $arrRes['elp_templ_status'];
    			$replacefrom = array("<ul><br />", "</ul><br />", "<li><br />", "</li><br />", "<ol><br />", "</ol><br />", "</h2><br />", "</h1><br />", "</h3><br />");
    			$replaceto = array("<ul>", "</ul>", "<li>" ,"</li>", "<ol>", "</ol>", "</h2>", "</h1>", "</h3>");
    			$replacefrom1 = array("<ul><br />", "</ul><br />", "<li><br />", "</li><br />", "<ol><br />", "</ol><br />", "</h2><br />", "</h1><br />", "</h3><br />", "<br />");
    			$replaceto1 = array("<ul>", "</ul>", "<li>" ,"</li>", "<ol>", "</ol>", "</h2>", "</h1>", "</h3>", "");
    			//$preview = "<html>";
    			//$preview = $preview . "<head><title>" . $elp_templ_heading . "</title></head>";
    			//$preview = $preview . "<body>";
    			$preview = $preview . '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
    			$preview = $preview . $elp_templ_header;
    			$preview = $preview . '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
    			$body = $elp_templ_body;
    			$post_id  = "";
    			$post_title  = "";
    			$post_excerpt  = "";
    			$post_link  = "";
    			$post_thumbnail  = "";
    			$post_thumbnail_link  = "";
    			$post_date = "";
    			$post_author = "";
    			$i = 1;
    			$qstring = "posts_per_page=".$post."&post_status=publish&category='".$cat."'&orderby='".$orderby."'&order='".$order."'";
    			$postlist  = get_posts( $qstring );
    			$posts = array();
    			foreach ( $postlist as $post )
    				$post_id = $post->ID;
    				$post_title = $post->post_title;
    				$post_author = get_the_author();
    				$post_date = $post->post_modified;
    				$post_category = $post->category;
    				// Get full post
    				$post_full = $post->post_content;
    				$post_full = str_replace($replacefrom, $replaceto, $post_full);
    				$post_full = str_replace($replacefrom1, $replaceto1, $post_full);
    				$post_full = wpautop($post_full);
    				$post_excerpt = elp_cls_newsletter::elp_excerpt_by_id($post_id, $excerpt_length);
    				$post_excerpt = wpautop($post_excerpt);
    				$post_link = get_permalink($post_id);	
    				if (  (function_exists('has_post_thumbnail')) && (has_post_thumbnail($post_id)))
    					$post_thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id, 'thumbnail');
    				if($post_thumbnail <> "")
    						$post_thumbnail_link = "<a href='".$post_link."' target='_blank'>".	$post_thumbnail_link."</a>";
    				if($post_title <> "")
    					$post_title = "<a href='".$post_link."' target='_blank' style=''>".$post_title."</a>";
    				$bodyown = str_replace('###POSTTITLE###', $post_title, $body);
    				$bodyown = str_replace('###POSTIMAGE###', $post_thumbnail_link, $bodyown);
    				$bodyown = str_replace('###POSTDESC###', $post_excerpt, $bodyown);
    				$bodyown = str_replace('###POSTFULL###', $post_full, $bodyown);
    				$bodyown = str_replace('###DATE###', $post_date, $bodyown);
    				$bodyown = str_replace('###AUTHOR###', $post_author, $bodyown);
    				//$preview = $preview . '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
    				$preview = $preview . $bodyown;
    				$preview = $preview . '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
    				$post_id  = "";
    				$post_title  = "";
    				$post_excerpt  = "";
    				$post_link  = "";
    				$post_thumbnail  = "";
    				$post_thumbnail_link  = "";
    				$post_date = "";
    				$post_author = "";
    				$i = $i + 1;
    			$preview = $preview . '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
    			$preview = $preview . $elp_templ_footer;
    			$preview = $preview . '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
    			if($action == "preview")
    				$preview = str_replace('###EMAIL###', "useremail@email.com", $preview);
    				$preview = str_replace('###NAME###', "User Name", $preview);
    			//$preview = $preview . "<body>";
    			//$preview = $preview . "</html>";
    			$preview = str_replace("\r\n", "<br />", $preview);
    		$preview = str_replace($replacefrom, $replaceto, $preview);
    		$preview = str_replace($replacefrom1, $replaceto1, $preview);
    		return $preview;
    	public static function elp_excerpt_by_id($post_id, $excerpt_length)
    		$the_post = get_post($post_id);
    		$the_excerpt = $the_post->post_content;
    		$the_excerpt = strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($the_excerpt));
    		$words = explode(' ', $the_excerpt, $excerpt_length + 1);
    		if(count($words) > $excerpt_length)
    			array_push($words, '...');
    			$the_excerpt = implode(' ', $words);
    		$the_excerpt = nl2br($the_excerpt);
    		$the_excerpt = str_replace("<br />", " ", $the_excerpt);
    		$the_excerpt = str_replace("<br />", " ", $the_excerpt);
    		$the_excerpt = str_replace("\r\n", " ", $the_excerpt);
    		return $the_excerpt;

    If I forgot some needed information, please tell.
    Thanks, Valerie

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