I’ve added this to the development version; it’ll be in the next release. Thanks for the suggestion!
Alright, very good! And when do you expect that next release to be available? (how many days estimated)
Within a few days; probably on Sunday.
Release currently in progress.
Very good, I’ll wait 24 hours just to make sure that there isn’t any obvious bugs related to using it tough, as it’s on a production server.
I’ve now upgraded to 1.7.13 but I don’t see where to configure the feature :S
I’ve created a new page with a pool of 2 tickets, purchased them both and they’re marked completed in the payments tab in the WP dashboard and I’ve received the payment notification email, all of this is fine, except that I have NOT received any email notification regarding all tickets being sold out.
It shows the sold out message when I visit that event page, so it works as expected, but there seems to be no notification sent, also if it’s sent somewhere, I don’t know where it’s being sent to, because I couldn’t figure out where to configure the email address it’s supposed to send sold out warnings to. My first guess is that it’s gonna send them to the same email configured in the tickets plugin main settings tab, but it didn’t?
EDIT: NEVERMIND… 5 minutes later, I just received the sold out notification email. Not sure why there was a delay… weird. But it works! Thanks!!
The notification is actually sent the next time the sales page is visited after the tickets are sold out, not immediately on the last sale.
Ah! Makes sense 😛 But why not have put the notification function call in the payment handler then? This way, the second the last ticket is sold and the IPN comes in, the tickets plugin would then immediately issue a notification.
Either way, thanks! This is working real fine, love it so far.