• After selecting images using this Photo Gallery field, I am using the ‘acf/save_post’ action to set each image as an attachment by setting their post_parent field with the post_id.

    When I go to edit the post again from the frontend, the Photo Gallery field shows no images. If I do the same from the backend, the images I added before are present.

    The other ACF fields are populated when I try and edit the post from the frontend, so I don’t understand why the Photo Gallery field isn’t populated as well, especially since it is when editing the post from the backend.

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  • Thread Starter hshah


    I am seeing errors like this when the post is loaded in the frontend, so not sure if that is related:

    [25-Apr-2020 19:31:03 UTC] PHP Warning:  explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /wp-content/plugins/navz-photo-gallery/includes/render_field.php on line 34
    [25-Apr-2020 19:31:04 UTC] PHP Warning:  explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /wp-content/plugins/navz-photo-gallery/includes/render_field.php on line 57
    [25-Apr-2020 19:31:04 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-content/plugins/navz-photo-gallery/includes/render_field.php on line 58
    Thread Starter hshah



    My issue seems to be the same as this one from over a year ago:

    And the errors I mentioned are just like this one (yes, I have set the label etc):

    I logged the entire $_POST when saving. My Photo Gallery field is called gallery and its key is field_5ea463d262a41. You can see the 3 test images I added, but I don’t see them when editing the post from the frontend. I also find it odd that the key name isn’t mentioned anywhere.

       [_acf_screen] => acf_form
        [_acf_post_id] => 12299
        [_acf_validation] => 1
        [_acf_nonce] => 
        [_acf_changed] => 0
        [acf] => Array
                [field_5e9466f65b151] => blah
                [field_5e938ffe6a7f7] => sdfsdfsdf
                [field_5e9f9f307fafe] => no
        [custom_title] => field_5e9466f65b151
        [custom_content] => field_5e938ffe6a7f7
        [custom_excerpt] => field_5e938ffe6a7f7
        [acf-photo-gallery-edit-modal] => Default
        [acf-photo-gallery-groups] => Array
                [0] => gallery
        [acf-photo-gallery-images_limit] => 
        [gallery] => Array
                [0] => 12295
                [1] => 12316
                [2] => 12413
        [acfef_widget_id] => 666d69e
        [acfef_post_id] => 11475
        [acfef_success] => Album Updated
        [acfef_main_action] => edit_post
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by hshah.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by hshah.
    Thread Starter hshah



    I managed to fix the images not showing up when editing the post, as well as the edit pencil icon not showing up issue (see the other thread I made earlier).

    I had to make changes to your render_field.php, at the lines stated in the errors I posted earlier. I’ve mentioned what I have added, and where I have had to make changes to your code, I have just commented those lines out, and added my version below.

    Basically, your $value isn’t a string… it is a nested array of all the images and their metadata (title, caption, url etc.) so the explode function was never going to work.

                if( $value ):
                    // New Code
                    $attachment_ids = array();
                    foreach ($value as $attachments):
                        array_push($attachment_ids, $attachments['id']);
                    $acf_photo_gallery_editbox_caption_from_attachment = apply_filters( 'acf_photo_gallery_editbox_caption_from_attachment', $field);
                    //$acf_photo_gallery_attachments = $value;
                    //$acf_photo_gallery_attachments = explode(',', $acf_photo_gallery_attachments);
                    //$args = array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post__in' => $acf_photo_gallery_attachments );
                    $args = array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post__in' => $attachment_ids );
                    $acf_photo_gallery_attachments = get_posts( $args );
                    $nonce = wp_create_nonce('acf_photo_gallery_edit_save');
                    foreach($acf_photo_gallery_attachments as $attachment):
                        $id = $attachment->ID;
                        $url = get_post_meta($id, $field['_name'] . '_url', true);
                        $target = get_post_meta($id, $field['_name'] . '_target', true);
                        $title = $attachment->post_title;
                        if( $acf_photo_gallery_editbox_caption_from_attachment == 1 ){
                            $caption = wp_get_attachment_caption( $id );
                        } else {
                            $caption = $attachment->post_content;
                        acf_photo_gallery_edit($field['_name'], $nonce, $id, $url, $title, $caption, $target, $key, $replace_textarea_editor);
        <ul id="acf-photo-gallery-metabox-list" class="acf-photo-gallery-metabox-list">
                if( $value ):
                    //$acf_photo_gallery_attachments =  $value;
                    //$acf_photo_gallery_attachments = explode(',', $acf_photo_gallery_attachments);
                    //foreach($acf_photo_gallery_attachments as $image):
                    foreach($attachment_ids as $image):

    Unfortunately this now seems to have broken the Add Images button, which does nothing when clicked. Not quite sure why because what I changed doesn’t seem to be linked in any way.

    Overall though, I am in a better position that I was previously, which is a good thing. I will investigate why the Add Images button no longer works and report back.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by hshah.
    Thread Starter hshah



    The Add Images button works fine lol. I forgot that I had commented out my own function which enqueued wp_enqueue_media() and other related scripts/styles.


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