• Resolved kman321


    Hello, I am trying to change the colour of the calendar header to be black and the navigation arrows to be white, but not matter what I put in the “edit styles” section of the plugin or the additional CSS section of WordPress, nothing changes! please help!

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  • Plugin Author codepeople



    Are you referring to the calendar in the public booking form or to the calendar in the Schedule Calendar View (admin area)?

    If you are referring to the calendar in the public booking form, could you provide a link to that booking form to check the styles involved there?

    Thank you for using the plugin!

    Thread Starter kman321



    I am referring to the public booking form. Here is the link – https://affordablepricewebsites.co.uk/quasarmock/book/

    Many thanks

    Thread Starter kman321


    Please help with this issue… not sure why the status was changed to “resolved” when it is not…

    Plugin Author codepeople



    Use the following styles:

    .ahb_m3 #fbuilder .ui-datepicker-prev, .ahb_m3 #fbuilder .ui-datepicker-next {border-top: 2px solid white !important;border-right: 2px solid white; }
    .ui-datepicker-title { background-color: black; color: white;}

    Add the needed styles into the “Appointment Hour Booking >> General Settings >> Edit Styles” area.

    Remember to clear the browser cache and server side cache (if any) to see the result of the new styles.

    Thank you for using the plugin!

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