• I’ve just finished adding four new features on the Easy CSV Importer conditions panel. They were recently requested and paid for, maybe a good time to remind you that money makes your request priority! These features required functions that can be shared by all similar conditions, that is conditions that require a string to be modified using a standard PHP function. I can easily add a lot more later, for now these are the ones available…

    1. ucfirst
    2. ucwords
    3. strlwr
    4. strtoupper

    I’ll leave you to Google these terms. Developers will be well aware of what they do or at least have a rough idea, but always refer to the official PHP online documentation which will usually appear in the top spot on Google. So search each of these for a bit of education, it is simple really. Each will modify a string in a very specific way. You also get to select any number of columns to apply each function too.
    End Result

    The result of using these functions is tidier and well formatted content. Where you want to use a string as a title or at the beginning of content your spinning so to speak, you may need to apply an upper case change or even a lower case letter change if your using content that begins with a capital, in the middle of text content.


    If your new to Easy CSV Importer that might not make much sense. What I just talked about is using the WYSIWYG editor to create post or pages content design, also known as a template. Easy CSV Importer allows advanced templates designed using tokens, short-codes and the ability to add your own content directly to the template design you create. There is a short-code for spinning content (more coming) and if you use the WTG Notice Boxes plugin you can spin even more content. The outcome is super unique pages with top SEO.

    The new conditions allow all this to be done with better grammar and standards in resulting posts.

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