• Resolved lpaweb


    Hello there,

    The e-mails are not being sent automatically.
    Also, there are some e-mails that i force them to send and they keep appearing on the pending e-mails.

    Another question, is there anyway to change the sender e-mail?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Plugin Author Frank


    @ketokitchen Are you still having issues for that one customer even after updating to version 2.0.2 ?

    @frankspress yes but now when I click on Send Now the alert doesn’t disappear. Previously it used to disappear then reappear when I refresh the page

    Plugin Author Frank


    @ketokitchen Can you share the first part of the email address confidentially?
    frankieeeit@gmail.com or frank@frankspress.com.
    Are you using WordPress in a Language that uses the Latin alphabet ( English, Spanish, French, Itlalian, etc. ) ?

    Plugin Author Frank


    @lpaweb @ketokitchen

    Thank you ketokitchen for the screenshot that helped a lot.
    I believe I found the bug since I was able to reproduce the error.
    Please update ( 2.1.0 ) and

    the issue should now be gone!

    Note: Prior to v 2.0.1, the pending emails that wouldn’t disappear “May and may have not been sent” for each click.. The issue was caused by a table constraint. Again I sincerely apologies for the inconvenience.


    Plugin Author Frank


    I haven’t heard from you so I’m assuming the issue was resolved and I’m closing this.
    Please reach out if you have any issues.

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