Hello Chris,
Thank you for your report,
I recently had another similar report,
It appears to be a _more or less_ random bug with WordPress Cron.
Can you deactivate the “Asynchronous notifications” option in Booking Activities > Settings > Notifications tab and tell me if it works ?
Yoan Cutillas
Thread Starter
Yes that worked! I’ll keep this setting deactivated.
Thanks again for your excellent support.
Thanks a lot!
I will try to find what is wrong and fix it for the next release.
Yoan Cutillas
Hello Chris,
Can you tell me
– Did this bug occur each time an order was made?
– When did this bug start occuring?
– Have you had any cases where the email was not sent at all?
Thank you,
Yoan Cutillas
Thread Starter
Hi Yoan,
1. Yes it did happen on every order on both my client site and development site.
2. It was first drawn to my attention on 10th February 2019 but I’m unsure how long it has been happening.
3. No, I’ve always had emails unless the “send when an order is completed” setting is deactivated.
Hope that helps.
Hello Chris,
Thank you!
I have kind of “patched” it: I could prevent the system from sending the same email multiple time in a short interval (like 3 minutes). This will be in the next release.
But the real problem happen in the cron process. I could make sure that the cron task is always properly scheduled. But sometimes, it is triggered twice, or it isn’t triggered at all. Or if it is, maybe it is done at a moment when plugins are not loaded (email not sent), and maybe it is done with a cached version of the cron tasks (email sent multiple times).
I keep trying to understand what is happening.
Yoan Cutillas
Thread Starter
Thanks for the update. Hope you get to the bottom of it.
Hello Chris,
The new version 1.7.0 should solve the duplicated email problem 🙂