• Resolved Tracerguy


    When using Dreamweaver CS5.5 to load up index.php, I may have made a big boo-boo. In haste, I did not read the warnings carefully. One of them, I now realize, gave permission to write back to the server. Here is the problem: linking to the WordPress installation root [http://www.ogs.on.ca/conference2013] brings up previous version of the site – one that still has the default post for the Responsive theme. All along I have been using the Responsive Child theme, which imports only the style.css. No functions.php or header.php Clicking on the HOME menu tab then takes the viewer to an updated version at ../conference2013/home/
    This is my first attempt to use WordPress, other than for a nearly identical test installation on my own hosting service (which works fine). I suspect some error has been put into a core file somewhere. It appears to me that the /home/ directory is something created from the database by WordPress (the name of the page) – a kind of phantom directory.

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  • This isn’t a theme issue nor is it a WordPress core one. My guess is that you’ve overwritten the wrong file somewhere along the way.

    Thread Starter Tracerguy


    I have done a re-install update of WordPress3.4.2 – also, deleted the main menu and re-created it. So, yes, it must be an over written file, but which one would cause a redirect like this. Since I do have a nearly identically installed test site, which files might need to be compared in order to find the changed file?

    Since I do have a nearly identically installed test site

    Nearly identical? Is this site working OK? If so, what are the differences?

    Thread Starter Tracerguy


    So, I should download any and all root files from both sites and open them in some kind of comparison software?

    Nearly identical? Is this site working OK? If so, what are the differences?

    Thread Starter Tracerguy


    I think I have a program called, “diffmerge” on another computer. I will report back on file content differences in a few hours. I will not merge anything – just look!!!

    Looks good now 🙂


    Thread Starter Tracerguy


    It took a lot longer than I expected for this novice to track down some file differences between the test site (the one that works) and the official site (the one that shows the wrong default home page). To me, these are just clues as to what to do.

    The Responsive Theme on the official site was version 1.8.1 (now upgraded to version 1.8.2 like on the test site) The changelog.txt between the two versions shows only that TinyNav has been updated with CSS Improvements. When the official site was updated to v 1.8.2, no change in menu behaviour occurred.

    [Just to NOTE: The test site’s fantversion.php file reports PHP version 3.3.2, while the official site reports version 2.8.]
    However, further comparison of files in the two sites indicates the problem may stem from differences in files controlling the TinyNav.
    In the Responsive Theme’s main directory (not the child) is a file named responsive-plugins.js in the ../js/ directory shows a difference between the two sites.
    The test site (that works) says:

    // Responsive Menu
       active: 'current_page_item', // Set the "active" class
       //header: Navigation // Show header instead of the active item

    The official site (not working right) says:

    // Responsive Menu
       active: 'current_page_item', // Set the "active" class
       header: false // Show header instead of the active item

    There was also a difference in the javascript for a file responsive-scripts.js in the main responsive theme’ ../js/ directory. And another directory with a file by the same name ../responsive/js-dev/responsive-scripts.js – has many more differences between these two files) – specifically in a section beginning with:

    /*! http://tinynav.viljamis.com v1.05 by @viljamis */
    (function ($, window, i) {
     $.fn.tinyNav = function (options) {

    The test site is version 1.05, while the official site is version 1.03. If stuff in the ../js-dev/ directory actually loads, then this file may contribute to the problem. I didn’t copy all of the differences because the title of this directory suggests it may not even load.

    For version 1.8.2 on the properly working test site the responsive-scripts.js file, not in the ../js-dev/ directory, but in the ../js/ directory, says:

    /*! Responsive Menu */
    /*! http://tinynav.viljamis.com v1.05 by @viljamis */
    (function(a,i,g){a.fn.tinyNav=function(j){var d=a.extend({active:"selected",header:""},j);return this.each(function(){g++;var h=a(this),e="tinynav"+g,f=".l_"+e,b=a("<select/>").addClass("tinynav "+e);if(h.is("ul,ol")){""!==d.header&&b.append(a("<option/>").text(d.header));var c="";h.addClass("l_"+e).find("a").each(function(){c+='<option value="'+a(this).attr("href")+'">';var b;for(b=0;b<a(this).parents("ul, ol").length-1;b++)c+="- ";c+=a(this).text()+"</option>"});b.append(c);d.header||b.find(":eq("+
    a(f+" li").index(a(f+" li."+d.active))+")").attr("selected",!0);b.change(function(){i.location.href=a(this).val()});a(f).after(b)}})}})(jQuery,this,0);

    For version 1.8.1 (but now upgraded to 1.8.2)

    /*! Responsive Menu */
    /*! http://tinynav.viljamis.com v1.03 by @viljamis */
    (function($,window,i){$.fn.tinyNav=function(options){var settings=$.extend({active:"selected",header:false},options);return this.each(function(){i++;var $nav=$(this),namespace="tinynav",namespace_i=namespace+i,l_namespace_i=".l_"+namespace_i,$select=$("<select/>").addClass(namespace+" "+namespace_i);if($nav.is("ul,ol")){if(settings.header){$select.append($("<option/>").text("Navigation"))}var options="";$nav.addClass("l_"+namespace_i).find("a").each(function(){options+='<option value="'+$(this).attr("href")+'">';for(j=0;j<$(this).parents("ul, ol").length-1;j++){options+="- "}options+=$(this).text()+"</option>"});$select.append(options);if(!settings.header){$select.find(":eq("+$(l_namespace_i+" li").index($(l_namespace_i+" li."+settings.active))+")").attr("selected",true)}$select.change(function(){window.location.href=$(this).val()});$(l_namespace_i).after($select)}})}})(jQuery,this,0);

    And in the responsive-plugins.js file

    For version 1.8.2 on the working test site:

    // Responsive Menu
       active: 'current_page_item', // Set the "active" class
       //header: Navigation // Show header instead of the active item

    For version 1.8.1 (now 1.8.2) on the official misbehaving site:

    // Responsive Menu
       active: 'current_page_item', // Set the "active" class
       header: false // Show header instead of the active item

    The Responsive Child theme style.css file on the test site had only one addtion, compared to the official site, and that was a .home wrapper to create a white background for the Home page content, (or maybe it was a post), rather than displaying an otherwise transparent background. So, it is unlikely to be causing the menu problem.


    TinyNav.js was updated in last version 1.8.2 and confirming that this is no issue. Demo.

    When you say that something brought the defaults back, what do you mean and can you roll-back from your host? Most of them will have free backups.


    Thread Starter Tracerguy


    The hosting service for the official site may have a back-up. I do not know,since I’m not the person who communicates directly with them. I suggested starting WordPress from scratch, but the person in our organization who is handling technical issues may be hesitant to do so. A great many themes and plug-ins have been added over the years, to accommodate previous users of this WordPress installation.
    The interfering http://ogs.on.ca/conference2013 page/post that pops up displays HELLO, WORLD!, Your H2 heading here, the right side image of three different devices, the Call to Action button, and the three home widgets at the bottom.
    Today, I added a top-menu and a footer menu with site map to the official site. They saved and updated nicely on all pages, including the interfering page. I had thought that this page would not accept changes, but it does.
    How does one recreate this page, or post, after it has been deleted? Maybe deleting again would stop it from appearing.
    Would it be better to de-activate the Responsive Theme and reactivate it? Not a lot of content has been added yet.

    Thread Starter Tracerguy


    Furthermore –
    What about that reference to .index (f+” li.”+d.active))… ?Although I’m not a coder, does this invoke a default page that is guaranteed to be the same as the home page created by the administrator/author? This code snip is in the ../js/responsive-scripts.js file of the properly working site – near the end in this section:

    /*! Responsive Menu */
    /*! http://tinynav.viljamis.com v1.05 by @viljamis */
    (function(a,i,g){a.fn.tinyNav=function(j){var d=a.extend({active:"selected",header:""},j);return this.each(function(){g++;var h=a(this),e="tinynav"+g,f=".l_"+e,b=a("<select/>").addClass("tinynav "+e);if(h.is("ul,ol")){""!==d.header&&b.append(a("<option/>").text(d.header));var c="";h.addClass("l_"+e).find("a").each(function(){c+='<option value="'+a(this).attr("href")+'">';var b;for(b=0;b<a(this).parents("ul, ol").length-1;b++)c+="- ";c+=a(this).text()+"</option>"});b.append(c);d.header||b.find(":eq("+
    a(f+" li").index(a(f+" li."+d.active))+")").attr("selected",!0);b.change(function(){i.location.href=a(this).val()});a(f).after(b)}})}})(jQuery,this,0);

    For the non-working site, the same file contains this:

    /*! Responsive Menu */
    /*! http://tinynav.viljamis.com v1.03 by @viljamis */
    (function($,window,i){$.fn.tinyNav=function(options){var settings=$.extend({active:"selected",header:false},options);return this.each(function(){i++;var $nav=$(this),namespace="tinynav",namespace_i=namespace+i,l_namespace_i=".l_"+namespace_i,$select=$("<select/>").addClass(namespace+" "+namespace_i);if($nav.is("ul,ol")){if(settings.header){$select.append($("<option/>").text("Navigation"))}var options="";$nav.addClass("l_"+namespace_i).find("a").each(function(){options+='<option value="'+$(this).attr("href")+'">';for(j=0;j<$(this).parents("ul, ol").length-1;j++){options+="- "}options+=$(this).text()+"</option>"});$select.append(options);if(!settings.header){$select.find(":eq("+$(l_namespace_i+" li").index($(l_namespace_i+" li."+settings.active))+")").attr("selected",true)}$select.change(function(){window.location.href=$(this).val()});$(l_namespace_i).after($select)}})}})(jQuery,this,0);
    Thread Starter Tracerguy


    Since the landing page can’t be changed from the default, I editted the Home Page under Theme Options (Responsive Child Theme Theme Options)so that it has some appropriate text and an new featured-image.png. The Call to Action button now sends viewers off to http://ogs.on.ca/conference2013/home/, which is where the main menu Home tab sends them anyway.
    So, anyone who goes to http://ogs.on.ca/conference2013/ will see the default page only on first landing. After clicking on any menu button, or the ‘Click here to proceed’ (Call to Action button), they will be inside this WordPress installation and should not see this landing page again.
    Now, I just have to learn what to do with those three widgets at the bottom, since they can’t be dragged into the inactive area.
    Also, the main heading text (OGS Conference 2013) is too close to the left edge. I’d like to add some padding here. Has anyone tried Stylizer? I experimented with the crippled trial version, just to see how it worked.


    TinyNav was updated again 10hrs ago, however (as far as I know) previous update didn’t cause any issues.

    As far as changing the default landing page you can do that easily, please follow my instructions from here it takes couple of moments that’s all.

    And also, this will take care of the http://www.ogs.on.ca/conference2013/home/

    Featured Title:

    .featured-title {
        font-size: 50px;

    and that will produce:


    .home-widgets {
        display: none;

    and they will go away 🙂


    Thread Starter Tracerguy


    Thanks for the fix on landing page. I haven’t tried it yet, because the problem may really be an advantage after all. The way the site behaves now is that the landing page does include the featured image, the heading and the “call to action” button, along with the bottom area three widgets. Once the viewer clicks either the “call to action” button, or any of the menu selections in the main menu, they never see the landing page again, unless they enter the site anew. [Is this the behaviour you planned all along?] The bottom widgets are great, now that I’ve learned how they work, installed the Black Studio TinyMCE Widget, and dragged it onto each of the bottom widgets. Now I can add anything html can load, I think.
    You say that installing the updated Responsive theme contains some fixes for TinyNav. Hope this keeps the site running the same way.
    Further, I had used the .home #wrapper and .home #widgets CSS to fix the transparency problem on the test site, and will add it to the official site, although all the pages/posts are white background at this time anyway. So, I haven’t seen that problem yet.
    The blog part of the site is Conference News, but all other pages are static.
    Your theme has achieved the most important task for our non-profit organization – a web site that is easily viewed in many devices and on many screen sizes. I tried it at Responsinator.com. Works perfectly, as far as I can see.
    One more thing – although I should scan the style.css file for a solution first – I want to remove the large text reproducing the page title from the top of each page.


    If using default landing page, all that’s shown on my demo will remain the same, but if we switch away home page will be whatever we choose to be 🙂

    We’re pretty decent when it comes to Theme updates, so far none of them broke users sites 🙂 TinyNav is a third-party JS plugin and very good one too, but we also test the updates before they are released.

    For the wrappers:

    Home page doesn’t have wrapper background, please use featured ID instead like this:

    #featured {}

    and if background, border and border radius is not needed:

    #featured {
        -moz-border-radius: 0;
        -webkit-border-radius: 0;
        background-color: transparent;
        border-radius: 0;
        border: none;
        padding: 0;


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