• Hello Fabian,

    I use your plugin for develop a download website.
    It works great with small files (10mb or less), but when they are more bigger than 50mb, they don’t download entire. It’s common start with a really good connection, but past 1 minute or similar, the file “it’s downloaded”, but isn’t the entire file (like 15% of the real size).

    I don’t know if this can be controlled with the plugin or if I have to ask about that to my host manager, because I don’t understand well what happens. Can you help me with this?

    Thank you so much.
    Have a nice one.


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  • i too have the same problem , waiting for authors answer.

    Plugin Author Fabian


    Is PHP Safe Mode enabled? If you are not sure ask your hosting provider about increasing PHP’s max_execution_time, which is set in php.ini.

    I got the exact same issue.

    Isn’t the max_execution_time used primary for uploads?

    I host several large files for android developers, so it’s a bit frustrating when the users complaint about broken downloads. I Primary happens with users that has slow connections, any points would be greatly appreciated.

    If you are using mod-fcgid it’s probably related to that. Since every download is served as a php process.
    Is it possible to serve the downloads another way?
    Since having 50-75 concurrent downloads will kind if use 6-8GB of memory.

    Many of my users have been having the same issue. iTunes and RSS podcast mp3’s cannot be downloaded, only listened to, and some times you only get 15% of the hour long message rather than the full thing. Is there any solution? Did the max-execution time mentioned above work?

    Plugin Author Fabian


    Try the following:
    Edit classes/Download.php by adding the line:

    @ini_set("zlib.output_compression", "Off");
    class WPFB_Download {

    Hi fabifott,

    Are you referring to both of us?

    I added the above code, but what was it suppose to specifically fix? I’m trying to test to see what change has been made and corrected.

    I also did a test by having a direct URL in the podcast, and iPhones were able to download the iTunes/RSS feed MP3. But when it’s got the /download/ in the url to the mp3, it doesn’t work. I tried messing with WpFileBase > Downloads options, but couldn’t seem to make it show a direct link to where the mp3 is located.

    Thanks you for your time.

    We are experiencing the same problem, tried all that’s in this thread, but nothing has changed…

    @dediux: If you require assistance then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic. This topic references a pretty old version of WordPress.

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