• The assets (JS&CSS) are linked like this:
    <script type='text/javascript' src='.../wp-content/plugins/wp-google-map-plugin//assets/js/maps.js?ver=4.5.3'>
    The double slash is clearly wrong. This is a problem for (at least) W3 Total Cache: you can explicitly list files to be concatenated. W3TC replaces/normalizes doubles slashes upon configuration; and later it can’t find (and replace) the <script> tag (which still has the double slash src).
    You could blame this on W3TC, too, but I guess the double slashes are just a typo, which could be easily fixed (by omitting the trailing slash in wp-google-map-plugin.php:625 (v3.1.1):
    define( 'WPGMP_URL', plugin_dir_url( WPGMP_F OLDER ).WPGMP_FOLDER.'/' );
    I use a workaround successfully: pre-define this constant in wp-config.php or functions.php to like this (I explicitly define WP_CONTENT_URL!)
    define('WPGMP_URL', WP_CONTENT_URL.'/plugins/wp-google-map-plugin');


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