Thanks for the feedback. Indeed, there are issues with some page builders, especially the ones which encode the content of the page. The Renamer would need to actually decode all those pages, apply the renaming, and re-encode. And it’s not that easy, sometimes those encoded content is not even in the post content, but in the metadata. Page builders don’t make this easy… unfortunately 🙁 It they were using the ID to reference images, that would be much better (updating the references will not be required even).
I will work on a compatibility list soon, as it’s important. That way, I’ll be able to display some warnings in the UI of the Renamer.
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That sucks. I really like the plugin.
I mean you do say backup like 5 times. I just was shocked when everything was gone on the frontend.
That sucks. I really like the plugin.
You can still use it; turn the updates references off, and only rename the images that aren’t used anymore (the ones you uploaded). In fact, that’s how I use it, I actually rename photos before using them usually (though with my installs I don’t have any problems even if I rename already used images – using Gutenberg or Divi).
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Thats how I like using it. I build sites just throwing in pictures. Not knowing what ones ill keep. Then at the end I want to rename all the final ones.
Why can’t you just have it write a bunch of redirects?
Unfortunately, not only redirects is a complex subject because it depends also on the server is set up (and what kind of server), but also redirects are not meant to be used with static files. Basically, that would be weird to have a .htaccess with hundreds or thousands of lines redirecting static files, very unclean, that could even cause huge issues.