• The plugin owner is offering discounts on the pro version for leaving a five-star rating here. That means you can’t trust the ratings to be an honest evaluation.

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  • Plugin Author jacobmhulse


    Obtaining reviews is an important way to promote our hard work and obtain useful feedback. Yet there is a shortage of reviews for ANY plugin.

    For example, Pixel Your Site has just 82 reviews with 5k+ active sites, or 20 per 1,000. Night Shifts Apps WP Facebook Pixel has 15 reviews with 900 active sites, or 17 per 1,000 users. Then there’s WordPress Facebook Pixel which has 2,000 active sites with only 2 reviews or 1 review per 1,000 users.

    In aggregate that’s 7,900 active sites with only 99 reviews! So while there are many satisfied users, the reviews haven’t kept pace.

    Our offer for a 5 star review for a discounted price is purely motivated to get more of our users to take action and let us know what they think. It’s hard to make a product better without user insight. We always request feedback from our users. If you review our support threads, you will see that we routinely ask for feedback. If the user doesn’t feel we deserve a 5 star review, we ask them to let us know how to earn one.
    That being said, we updated our offer copy to better reflect our interest in receiving feedback from our users.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Our offer for a 5 star review for a discounted price is purely motivated to get more of our users to take action and let us know what they think.

    It’s also not allowed and I’m going to be looking those reviews over closely now.

    You may ask for a review. That’s cool and there is nothing wrong with that, many authors do to great success. But when you trade a 5 star review for a discount that way then that actually ruins the reviews and those will be deleted when found.

    Please remove that offer as soon as possible.

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