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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @fassrl – Your site in is “maintenance mode” which makes this item unable to be viewed. The “dotdotdot” script is used to truncate with the ellipsis as you are seeing. We are looking at possibly adding a new option to turn this off but in the meantime you might try the following:

    /** Dequeuedotdotdot` script to stop truncating titles in captions */
    function ngg_dequeue_dotdotdot_script() {
    wp_dequeue_script( ‘jquery.dotdotdot’ );
    add_action( ‘wp_print_scripts’, ‘ngg_dequeue_dotdotdot_script’ );`

    This is a work-around that is not thoroughly tested but has worked on several sites.

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter fassrl


    Oh sorry, I forgot to disable maintenance :\

    But the solution you provide works, thank you!

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @fassrl – Thanks for the update!

    – Cais.

    @fassrl @photocrati

    I am curious about a detail on this solved issue. In which file would I place the code above to dequeue jquery.dotdotdot? I tried placing it at the end of my child theme’s functions.php file, but nothing happened. Then I tried commenting out the wp_enqueue_script function for jquery.dotdotdot in the module files, but that resulted in only the first item of the Pro Grid album having a complete caption, with no captions on other items in the album.

    After reading up a bit on jquery.dotdotdot, I worked around the issue with CSS by making a.caption_link tall enough that the entire caption fits and jquery.dotdotdot would not have to be involved. It’s not ideal for albums with a short title, but it is important to my client to not truncate long album titles.

    .nextgen_pro_grid_album .caption_link {
        max-height: 4em;
        height: 4em;

    I would appreciate it a lot if a future version of NextGEN Gallery includes a setting to toggle truncating captions in albums and galleries.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @jcbweb – Thanks for sharing your custom CSS approach.

    As to the use of the code snippet, putting it into your (child-)theme’s functions.php file should work; or, you can try a plugin like

    – Cais.

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