You have js error jQuery not defined
Plugin tested with your theme Awada
and tested with visual editor Fusion Page Builder
I think this problem is caused by a caching plugin or some other plugin.
for investigate this issue I need access to your server
or provide me to monothemes@gmail.com a detailed bug report see eg
you can also make a copy of everything using the Dublicator plugin and send to me by email
Thanks, via wetransfer I sent you the zip generated by the duplicator plugin
if possible send me sql dump ?
for new installation on my server it works ok
Yes, I send via wetransfer
jQuery loaded error fixed on new version plugin 1.4.10
please update
2 to use google maps you must load the google script
on global settings http://prntscr.com/1qbmisf
or you will receive an error
Thank you very much indeed, you have solved the problem.