Sorry to hear you’re not having the experience as I intended you to have it.
If your locale is set up to de_DE
than the plugin translates the Genesis Framework just fine, so I’m not really sure where the issue could be in your case.
With regards to the “language is not supported” message, this is due to the fact that the plugin isn’t actually fully translated here:
Could you let me know a little bit more about your setup so I help your particular scenario as well please?
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thank you for your quick response and sorry for my delay.
My language is set to “German(Sie)”, the formal version. Not sure what you mean by de_DE.
I’m running the latest version of Genesis, Generate Pro Theme, latest version of WP.
If you tell me the specs you need to know, I’ll be happy to provide them. Appreciate your help!
Thanks you in advance!
The formal version of German is simply not available via this plugin just yet. I’ll investigate how I can make this so though. To be continued.
Same problem here: I installed the plugin on my German site only to find out that it won’t support the formal (“SIE”) version.
For German Genesis sites using “SIE” this means they will have to copy the appropriate de_DE po and mo files to the /wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/languages folder.